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Матеріал158. Мамчур Т.В. Ботанічні(Умань: ВПЦ «Візаві», 2024) Мамчур Тетяна
МатеріалADAPTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE POTENTIALS OF SPRING GARLIC OF THE COLLECTION OF UMAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF HORTICULTURE(Vegetable and Melon Growing, 2023-12-27) Yatsenko V.V., Yatsenko N.V., Ulianych O.I., Mostoviak I.I., Karpenko V.P.Among vegetables, garlic is most susceptible to genetic erosion due to no sexual reproduction. Purpose.To evaluate the genotypic and phenotypic diversity of local forms of spring garlic in the forest -steppe of Ukraine in order to identify valuable specimens for the following characteristics: yield, adaptability, and essential oil content. Methods. In 2018–2022, 12 local and introduced forms of spring garlic were studied in the field. To analyze the data obtained, regression analysis was used to determine the stability and plasticity of the cultivars. Results. The variability of the spring garlic bulb weight was medium (CV = 13%), however, in some accessions, this characteristic varied from 12% to 37 %. Accessions 'No. 33', 'No. 44', and 'No. 55' had significantly greater bulb weights than the mean value: 27.01–28.84 g (+11.9–19.4 % to Xmed). Analyzing the number and size of cloves in the bulb, we selected accessions 'No. 14' and 'No. 33', which had the smallest total numbers of the largest cloves. In general, the clove distribution in the bulb was as follows: 56% of small cloves, 39% of medium-sized cloves, and only 5% of large ones. That is, in the studied sample, there was no accession with a preponderance of large or medium-sized cloves. By essential oil content, the studied accessions were categorized as food cultivars with a minimum content of 0.220–0.253 mg/100 g ('No.', No. 14', 'No. 52', ' No. 53', and 'No. 54') and technical ones with a high content of 0.370 and 0.373 mg/100 g ('No. 43' and No. 57', respectively). By yield, 'No. 33', 'No. 44', and 'No. 52' stood out, yielding 8.94, 9.95, and 9.07 t/ha, respectively, which was statistically significantly more than Xmed by 18.7, 32.2 and 20.4%, respectively. Statistical analysis showed that 'No. 14' was the most stable in terms of this characteristic, while the other accessions were characterized as unstable with bi > 1 and σ2d > 0. The results of statistical processing showed that the phenotypes (CVp) of the studied traits in garlic were characterized by high heritability, which was changeable and depended on environmental conditions (CVe) to a greater extent than on genotype (CVg). Conclusions. Our study is an example of a description of the variability of local spring garlic cultivars and an approach to quantification of local adaptation that currently contributes to theirpreservation.
МатеріалAgrobiological assessment of productivity and nitrogen fixation of vegetable soybean (edamame) in the conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.(Agronomy Research, 2023) Yatsenko V., Yatsenko N., Karpenko V., Poltoretskyi S., Lazariev O., Kravchenko V., Chynchyk O., Vyshnevska L., Tretiakova S. and Kozyrsky D.Agrobiological evaluation of vegetable soybean cultivars (Glycine max var. Shirofumi) according to a complex of economically valuable traits for introduction in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine it was carried out with the aim of selecting the source material and selecting promising breeding forms according to morpho-biological and physiologicalbiochemical characteristics. The research was conducted in the conditions of the educational and production department of Uman National University of Horticulture during 2020–2022, collection cultivars of different ecological and geographical origins were used. The cultivars ‘Sac’ (166.00 g plant-1), ‘Vesta’ (139.33 g plant-1), ‘Fiskeby V’ (133.33 g plant-1), and ‘Fiskeby V-E5’ (146.67 g plant-1) possessed a large mass of edamame beans. The maximum yield of edamame beans was formed by plants of the ‘L 380-2-13’ (12.67 t ha-1), ‘Vesta’ (12.33 t ha-1), ‘Sac’ (13.20 t ha-1), ‘Fiskeby V’ (13.97 t ha-1), and ‘Fiskeby V-E5’ (14.53 t ha-1). Weather conditions during the period of research significantly influenced the yield and biochemical composition of edamame varieties. The yield of edamame beans ranged from 5.40 t ha-1in 2020 (min) to 22.40 t ha-1 in 2021 (max), and the coefficient of variation by varieties was at the level of 19–41%. This phenomenon is explained by the minimum amount of precipitation in 2020 and the high amount in 2021, which is confirmed by the hydrothermal coefficient during the period of intensive pod growth (VII–VIII) - 2020 - 0.3; 2021 - 1.3 and 1.1 respectively for the month. The protein concentration in Edamame beans was in the range of 27.94–36.29%. A higher protein content relative to the standard was noted in one sample - ‘Karikachi’ - 36.29%. Minimal accumulation of oligosaccharides was noted in ‘Sac’ and ‘Astra’ cultivars, which indicates their suitability for consumption. Promising cultivars were identified by the amount of fixed nitrogen - ‘Sac’ (168.00 ± 4.32 kg ha-1), ‘Astra’ (161.67 ± 2.36 kg ha-1) and SybNYYSOH 6 (158.19 ± 4.56 kg ha-1). The conducted regression analysis showed close relationships (from moderate to functional) between various indicators of the development and productivity of the nodulation apparatus of edamame cultivars. The evaluation of the collection cultivars of vegetable soybeans, their use according to the variability of morphological features and productivity made it possible to single out the ‘Sac’ among the introduced collection cultivars based on a set of valuable traits for use in the selection process to create new cultivars of vegetable soybeans.
МатеріалAgrobiological characteristics of spelt wheat and intermediate wheatgrass in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine(Melitopol, 2020) Karpenko, V.P. ; Poltoretskyi, S.P. ; Liubych, V.V.Estimation of spelt wheat and the species of intermediate wheatgrass by the main agrobiological indicators (calendar dates of the beginning of the main phases of plant development, plant height dynamics, dry mass accumulation, grain yield and protein content) compared to soft wheat was done. The index of stability of grain yield formation was determined. It was found that the main phases of development in spelt wheat occurred on average 10-15 days later than in soft wheat. Plants of intermediate wheatgrass in the first year of cultivation had slower growth. The main phases of development in plants of intermediate wheatgrass of the second and third year of growth occurred almost in the same time with soft wheat. It was established that spelt wheat and intermediate wheatgrass were significantly superior to soft wheat in plant height. In the earing phase, the height of these plants was on average more than 100 cm, which had to be taken into account when growing these crops. It varied from 25 to 42 cm in spelt wheat and from 29 cm to 57 cm in intermediate wheatgrass during the stem elongation phase depending on the weather conditions of the research year. This indicator ranged from 107 cm to 113 cm and from 96 cm to 117 cm, respectively, in the earing phase, and from 137 to 168 cm and from 107 cm to 196 cm in the phase of milk ripeness of grain. Plants of spelt wheat and intermediate wheatgrass had a high stability index of the formation of dry matter and grain yield. It should be noted that intermediate wheatgrass formed a significant vegetative mass even in the earing phase. The vegetative mass in spelt wheat was formed during the earing period - full ripeness of grain. These crops (spelt wheat - 22.1 +/- 0.4, intermediate wheatgrass - 22.4-24.6 +/- 0.2-0.5) were significantly superior to soft wheat (12.1 +/- 0.5) by the content of protein in grain, so it was recommended to involve them in the selection programs to create species with high productivity. However, spelt wheat (5.58 +/- 0.13) was less and intermediate wheatgrass (0.98-1.22 +/- 0.14-0.18) was the most inferior to soft wheat (8.03 +/- 0.27) in terms of grain yield.
МатеріалANATOMIC CHANGES IN THE EPIDERMIS STRUCTURE OF THE LEAF APPARATUS AS AN INDICATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF PHYSIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES ON THE PLANT BODY( 2011) Karpenko, Victor P.Thus anatomical changes in the epidermis structure of the leaf apparatus under the application of phisiologically active substances is a direct reflection of the level of the preparations influence on metabolic processes in plants and may serve for disclosing of mode of action of investigated preparation on the plant body at different stages of its growth. Встановлено, шо анатомічні зміни в структурі епідермісу листкового апарату за використання фізіологічно активних речовин є прямим відображенням ступеня впливу препаратів на обмінні процеси в рослинах і можуть слугувати розкриттю механізмів дії досліджуваних препаратів на рослинний організм на різних стадіях росту і розвитку.
МатеріалAnatomical changes in the epidermis of winter pea stipules and their area under usage of herbicide, stimulator of plant growth and microbial preparation.(Vali Press, 2021) Karpenko, V. ; Boiko, Y ; Prytulіak, R. ; Datsenko, A. ; Shutko, S. ; Novikova, T.The use and search for new methods and ways to reduce negative herbicidal effect on crops is a key factor in increasing the level of yield and quality in modern agricultural conditions, including cultivation of crops such as winter peas. One of the factors that reflects the depth of the effect of herbicides on the plant organism may be the anatomical structure of the leaf, thus, the aim of the research was to study the characteristics of epidermis and size of stipules of winter peas with the complex use of stimulator of plant growth and microbial preparation in herbicide cultivation technology.
МатеріалCharacterization of amino acid content of grain of new wheat varieties and lines.(Київ, 2018) Hospodarenko, H. M. ; Karpenko, V. P. ; Liubych, V. V. ; Novikov, V. V.Aim. To determine the formation of bound amino acids in grain of new wheat varieties and its biological value. Methods. Field, physical-chemical, computational, analysis. Results. The differences in amino acid composition of new varieties and lines of wheat were analyzed. It was established that the highest content of essential amino acids was in the grain of the Kulundynka variety (5.18 %) or 2.5 times higher compared to the standard (2.99 %). Their content in the grain of soft wheat, obtained by the hybridization of Triticum aestivum L./Triticum spelta L., was 1.4–1.5 times higher compared to the control. The grain of the soft variety Kulundynka had the highest biological value as the score of essential amino acids was not de cient and the remaining varieties were de cient in 2–5 amino acids. Only methionine was de cient in the grain of soft wheat lines (AAS = 64– 74 %). Conclusions. The content of amino acids in soft wheat grain depends considerably on weather conditions, selective-genetic origin of the variety and the line. Glutamic acid, proline, and leucine were found to be most abundant. Out of nine samples of soft wheat tested, only the seed of the Kulundynka variety had a nonde cient amino acid score (91–298 %), and in the Pannonikus variety methionine was limited (49 %). The best balanced content of amino acids is present in the grain of non-spelt lines, obtained by hybridization of Triticum aestivum L. and Triticum spelta L., namely 7 and LPP 1314. The grain of these lines has a non-de cient amino acid score, more methionine (AAS = 64–74 %), and supplies human daily requirement in the best way. The grain has a high index of complex estimation and metabolization coef cient for essential amino acids.
МатеріалCombined application of microbial preparation, mineral fertilizer and bioadhesive in production of leek(Estonian Agricultural University, 2020) Karpenko, V. ; Slobodyanyk, G. ; Ulianych, O.The research deals with additional fertilizing of leek cultivars Goliath and Tango with bacterial preparation Organic-balance and mineral fertilizer DripFert N20P20K20 combination with adhesive agent of a natural origin Liposam. Field research was performed on the experimental plots of the Department of Vegetable Growing of Uman National University of Horticulture. The research focused on microbiological processes and formation of productivity in the leek crops depending on the combination of preparations. It has been established that the number of bacteria Azotobacter in the rhizosphere of leek increased 2.8 times after a four-time fertilizing with bacterial preparation Organic-balance and bioadhesive Liposam during vegetation. The maximum number of bacteria, including Azotobacter, in the rhizosphere of leek, was recorded after a four-time fertilization with DripFert N20P20K20-balance and Liposam. The share of influence of additional fertilization on the microbiota of the rhizosphere made up 77 97%. Leek cultivar Tango produced a larger assimilative leaf surface. Depending on the fertilizing the maximum leaf surface and photosynthetic potential of leek cultivars Tango and Goliath were recorded under combination of Organic-balance + DripFert N20P20K20 + Liposam. The yielding capacity of variety Goliath was better than that one of the variety Tango regardless of fertilizing. To make the growing technology of leek more environmental friendly it is advisable to introduce in the growing technology bacterial preparation Organic-balance together with Liposam. Utilization of these preparations improves crop yield, which makes up 0.6 0.7 t ha-1 for variety Goliath and 1.1 2.7 t ha-1 for variety Tango correspondingly. The investigated leek varieties had the maximum yields under combined application of Organic-balance + Liposam with fertilizer DripFert N20P20K20 24% higher than provided by plants grown without fertilization.
МатеріалComprehensive assessment of productivity interrelations and indicators of quality of millet seeds(Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2017) Karpenko, Victor ; Poltoretskyi, Sergii ; Mostoviak, Ivan ; Berezovsky, AndriyThe aim of the study was to determine optimal conditions for harvesting millet seeds in Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine that would provide maximum yield of high-quality seeds. Implementation of this goal was done by determining and analyzing of multifactor relationships of forming high-yielding seed sowing of millet, by optimizing ways of its mowing and threshing and conditions that would ensure improvement of sowing qualities and yielding properties of seeds using the method of correlation pleiades. The two-factor field experiment involved the following grading factors: A (seed ripeness degree in panicle) 25–30%, 45–50, 65–70 (control) and 85–90% of seeds reached the full maturity phase; B (duration of softening rolls) direct harvesting and in three, six (control) and nine days after mowing. The sowing quality of seeds formed on mother plants was tested in laboratory conditions in autumn of the harvest year and sowing next year (the first seed progeny) with threshing by occurrence of 65–70% of seed maturity in panicle. As a result of the research it was found: 1. Between yield of maternal plants and millet plants of the first seed offspring there is a direct correlation of medium strength. 2. Between yield of maternal plants and laboratory and technological indicators of seed quality there are strong correlations that are associated with it through the integrated quality indicator of seed material and millet output. 3. The integrated quality indicator and separately each of the studied laboratory parameters of seed material quality on high level influence the formation of grain yield of plants of the first seed offspring.
МатеріалContent of malondialdehyde and activity of enzyme glutathione- S-transferase in the leaves of emmer wheat under the action of herbicide and plant growth regulator(Agronomy Research, 2019) Karpenko, V. ; Pavlyshyn, S. ; Prytulіak, R. ; Naherniuk, D.The article presents the results of vegetation experiment on the influence of different rates of herbicide Prima Forte 195 – 2-ethylhexyl ether 2.4-D + aminopyralid + florasulam (0.5; 0.6 and 0.7 L ha-1) under different application methods of plant growth regulator of a natural origin Wuxal BIO Vita (Ascophyllum nodosum extract + microelements) on the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) as an important indicator of the intensity of peroxide oxidation of lipids in plants and on the activity of enzyme glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in the leaves of emmer wheat. Experimental scheme included 16 experimental variants: 1 – without application of preparations and pre-sowing treatment of seeds (control); 2, 3, 4 – Prima Forte 195, applied to vegetative plants at the rates 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 L ha-1; 5 – Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L ha-1, applied to vegetative plants; 6, 7, 8 – Prima Forte 195 at the rates of 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 L ha-1 in tank mixtures with Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L ha-1, sprayed on vegetative plants; 9 – pre-sowing treatment of seeds with Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L t-1 (background); 10, 11, 12 – Prima forte 195, applied to vegetative plants at the rates of 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 L ha-1 at the background of pre-sowing treatment of seeds with Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L t-1; 13 – Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L ha-1 (applied to vegetative plants, treated before sowing with Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L t-1); 14, 15, 16 – Prima Forte 195 at the rates of 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 L ha-1 respectively, in tank mixture with Wuxal BІО Vita at the rate of 1.0 L ha -1 – spraying of plants and pre-sowing treatment of seeds with Wuxal BІО Vita 1.0 L t-1. It has been found that under the application of Prima Forte 195 the redox state in the leaves of emmer wheat increased considerably in the direction of increasing the content of MDA. It has also been proved that herbicide Prima Forte 195 and its mixtures with plant growth regulator (PGR) Wuxal BIO Vita caused the changes in the activity of enzyme glutathione-S-transferase, which slightly increased in the initial period in the variants of integrated application of herbicide and plant growth regulator. However, later the GST activity in the variants of integrated application of herbicide and PGR decreased, which indicates stabilization and a positive influence of integrated application of preparations on the detoxification processes in the crops of emmer wheat.
МатеріалCover Crop Mixtures in Corn and Wheat on Topographically Variable Terrain.(ASA and CSSA, 2018-11-06) Світовий, ВалерійCover crop mixtures seeded after winter wheat in August had much greater biomass in late fall compared with cover crops inter-seeded in corn in late June. • Competition for light and soil moisture reduced cover crop establishment and growth in corn and resulted in absence of the expected depression>slope~summit biomass gradient, with the exception of tillage radish in the WK treatment. • Cover crop mixtures planted after winter wheat provided good weed suppression. • In drier summer environments (as in Ukraine), inter-seeding of WH and WK cover crops in corn reduced yield in the topographical depressions.
МатеріалCover Crop Mixtures Inter-Seeded in Corn on Contrasting Topographical Positions: Comparing Soil Effects in the US and Ukraine(ASA and CSSA, 2018-11-06) Svitovyi, ValeriiCover crops performed better in more fertile soils of Ukraine as compared to low SOM MI soils. • Greater above- and below-ground biomass in Ukrainian sites was associated with greater soil POM levels. • At topographical depressions in UA sites POM was higher under WK than WH system. • Cover crops interfered with corn and led to lower corn yields in UA sites, likely due to combined effect of low moisture availability and too early cover crop planting.
МатеріалCOVER CROPS IN TECHNOLOGY MAIZE GROWING ON CONTRAST GRAINS TOPOGRAPHIC PROVISIONS: COMPARISONS OF SOILS EFFECTS IN THE US AND UKRAINE(Уманський НУС, 2019-09-05) Світовий, ВалерійThe results of the studies indicate that in most cases the areas of Michigan have a positive influence of cover crops on the increase in corn grain yield regardless of topographic location. For plots located in Cherkasy region, no positive influence of cover crops on corn yield was found. The most likely factor that has led to a decrease in yield is, in our opinion, more arid climatic conditions in Ukraine.
МатеріалDENSITY OF BLACK SOIL AT INTENSIVE TECHNOLOGIES OF MAIZE GROWING(WayScience, 2018-06-28) Світовий, ВалерійВ умовах Уманського району Черкаської області традиційна технологія вирощування кукурудзи на зерно зумовлює формування щільності орного та підорного шарів ґрунту на рівні, вищому за оптимальні показники. Мінімальне використання важкої техніки в технології вирощування кукурудзи на зерно зумовлює формування щільності ґрунту на рівні оптимальних показників.
МатеріалEco-friendly sources of alternative energy in Ukraine(Uman, 2014) Karpenko, V. P. ; Burlyai, O. L.The analysis of alternative energy production in Ukraine is shown in the article. It was found that Ukraine is an energy-dependent country, and the main source of energy consumption is fossil fuels. At the same time, the share of renewable energy sources in Ukraine does not exceed 2%, which is one o f the lowest in Europe. However, Ukraine has massive potential for energy savings by using natural renewable energy sources and in particular, there is huge potential of biomass available for energy production. Economically reasonable energy potential of existing biomass waste is about 25 million tons of fuel and energy potential of biomass that can be grown on unused agricultural land with an area o f more than 4 million hectares - about 13 million tons. This potential can cover up to 18% of total primary energy consumption in Ukraine. Thus, agriculture in Ukraine has considerable potential for bioenergy development o f our country.
МатеріалEconomy’s agricultural sector potential in Ukrainian energy self-sufficiency forming(Київ, 2015) Karpenko, V. ; Burliai, O. ; Mostoviak, I.The authors analyze the alternative types of energy production in Ukraine. It has been found out that Ukraine is an energy-dependent country and the main sources of energy consumption are fossil fuels. The share of renewable energy sources in Ukraine is less than 2%, which is one of the lowest indicators in Europe. However, Ukraine has a massive unused potential for energy savings in the form of natural renewable energy sources. In particular, there is a large amount of biomass available for energy production. The economically justified energy potential of existing biomass waste is about 25 million tons and the energy potential of biomass which can be grown on unused agricultural lands covering more than 4 million hectares is about 13 million tons. Due to this potential, we can cover up to 18% of total primary energy consumption in Ukraine from two above-mentioned sources. Thus, agriculture of Ukraine has a significant potential for its bioenergy development.
МатеріалEFFECT OF CHITOSAN PRETREATMENT ON THE QUALITY OF STRAWBERRIES DURING COLD STORAGE(ОНАХТ, Одеса, 2021) Благополучна А.Г. ; Ляховська Н.О.Статтю присвячено вдосконаленню технології зберігання ягід суниці. Досліджено вплив попередньої обробки ягід водними розчинами низькомолекулярного хітозану трьох концентрацій (0,1%; 0,3%; 0,5%) на якісні показники суниці під час холодильного зберігання. Оброблені ягоди та контроль (варіант без обробки) зберігали у перфорованих пластикових контейнерах місткістю 500 грам за температури 0 ± 2°C протягом 14 днів. Встановлено, що ягоди суниці, оброблені розчинами хітозану, мали значно менші втрати маси, ніж у контролі. Після закінчення зберігання показник встановлюється на рівні 9,7% у контролі та 7,0–8,6% у оброблених ягодах. Досліджено, що інтенсивність дихання ягід суниці в перший день різко знизилася, що було викликано зберіганням в холодильнику і продовжувала знижуватися до кінця зберігання. В кінці терміну зберігання показник встановлений на рівні 3,3 мг CO2/кг-1 год-1 у контролі та 2,2-3,0 мг СО2/кг-1 год-1 у оброблених ягодах. Щільність ягід в кінці зберігання становила 0,10-0,14 кг/см2. Визначено ступінь блиску ягід. Встановлено, що на 14-й день зберігання поверхня ягід без обробки була тьмяною. Найкращі показники спостерігалися у варіанті з концентрацією обробки хітозаном 0,5%. Досліджено вплив хітозанових плівок на органолептичні показники ягід. Було встановлено, що попередня обробка не погіршила смаку ягід. Результати дегустаційної оцінки свідчать про те, що смак, аромат та колір були кращими у варіантах із концентрацією обробки 0,3 та 0,5%, однак за зовнішнім виглядом та консистенцією фахівці віддали перевагу ягoдам із концентрацією переробки 0,5%. Встановлено, що ягоди суниці при зберігання протягом двох тижнів були пошкоджені чотирма видами грибкових захворювань. У зразках виявлено Botrytis cinerea (сіра гниль); Rhizopus stolonifer (чорна гниль); Whetzelinia sclerotiorum (біла гниль) та Penicillium spp. Встановлено, що попередня обробка суниці розчинами хітозану зменшує розвиток фітопатогенних захворювань. Доведено, що їстівні покриття на основі хітозану позитивно впливають на ягоди суниці, збільшуючи термін їх зберігання та покращуючи їх якість. Зроблено висновок щодо технології застосування та концентрацій розчинів хітозану. Ключові слова: суниця, хітозан, холодильне зберігання, якість.
МатеріалEfficiency of the use of container herbiside mixtures under spring barley and their effect on photosynthetic productivity of sown areas( 2002) Карпенко, Віктор Петрович ; Грицаєнко, Зінпїда МартинівнаThe results of studies on changing photochemical activity of chloroplasts, chlorophyll and other physiological and biochemical processes in plants spring barley for actions mixtures of herbicides
МатеріалEnvironmental and economic damage to agriculture as a result of the explosion of the Kahovska hydroelectrical station(. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, 2024-06-30) Vitalii Honcharuk, Yevhen Podlisny, Marina Dekarchuk, Roman Podzerei, Olena Zadorozhna, Anna Datsenko, Petro Borovyk, Anastasiia Blahopoluchna, Vladyslav Parakhnenko, Nelia LiakhovskaThe explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station destroyed 350 pumping stations, the reclamation canals with a total length of more than 1,100 km were left without an irrigation source. The global problem arose due to the impossibility of irrigation in the Kherson region for 2-3 years, which will lead to the fact that the fields in the south of Ukraine will turn into a desert next year. In order to avoid the complete destruction of agriculture and colossal economic losses, it is necessary to study the damage caused in detail and develop ways to overcome it. The purpose of the work was to analyze the damage caused to agriculture after the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric plant and to propose ways of its restoration. According to preliminary calculations, losses from the death of all biological resources amount to about 10.5 billion hryvnias. The explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station caused a large-scale ecological disaster in the fishing industry: the aquatic biological resources of reservoirs in Kherson region, Dnipropetrovsk region, Mykolaiv region and other regions died without water. Without irrigation, it is impossible to grow corn, soy, oil and melon crops in the south. To restore agriculture in the territory affected by the man-made disaster, we have proposed several ways, including the use of well technology; grow crops that do not need a lot of moisture - wheat, barley, winter crops, peas; develop a strategy for drip irrigation and drainage, carry out land reclamation and implement at the legislative level the right of water users to unite and jointly manage canals, pipelines, pumping stations that supply water to fields for irrigation.
МатеріалEnvironmental assessment of chemical pollution of soils as a result of the war(Таврійський науковий вісник, 2023-08) Parakhnenko V.Н. ; Zadorozhna О.М. ; Liakhovska N.O. ; Blahopoluchna A.H.Екологічні збитки України від повномасштабної агресії РФ становлять майже 2 трлн. грн., частину природних ресурсів втрачено назавжди, повідомив міністр захисту довкілля та природних ресурсів України. За 2021 рік в атмосферу викинули близько 2 тонн токсичних речовин. За півроку війни в Україні у 2022 році викиди в атмосферу становлять 46 млн тонн. Війна отруїла значну частину української землі. Шкода, завдана забрудненням ґрунтів, оцінюється у 18 млрд.доларів. За даними ООН, Україна є однією з найбільш замінованих країн у світі (майже 15% загальної площі). Розмінування цієї території або детонація мін теж буде призводити до забруднення ґрунтів і ґрунтових вод. Під час вибуху у довкілля потрапляють уламки снарядів, які містять домішки чавуну, заліза, вуглецю, сірки та міді, і можуть призводить до забруднення ґрунтових і підземних вод. Окрему небезпеку становить замінування сільськогосподарських угідь – забруднення землі може призвести до того, що деякий час на цих територіях не можна буде нічого вирощувати. А оскільки в нас аграрна країна і ми досить залежні від вирощування на наших землях, то це також буде впливати на продовольчу безпеку України та світу. Значні території Укра- їни забруднені органічними речовинами у складі нафтопродуктів, сольвентів, антифризів тощо. До них належать парафіни, нафтени, ароматичні сполуки (бензол, толуол, етил- бензол, ксилол), поліциклічні вуглеводні (нафталін, перилен), галогенопохідні вуглеводнів дихлоретан, хлороформ, хлорбензол, органічні розчинники, поверхнево-активні речовини, синтетичні феноли, діоксини та інші. Це відбувається під час ремонту, заправляння військової техніки в польових умовах, в місцях збереження паливно-мастильних матеріалів, під час поривів нафтопроводів, влучання в нафтобази. Потрапляючи в ґрунт, ці речовини порушують його структуру і процеси газообміну, перешкоджають поглинанню вологи, створюючи умови, що непридатні для життя рослин, тварин, мікроорганізмів.