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Матеріал1-МЦП і функціональні пошкодження плодів("Есе", 2011) Мельник, Ігор Олександрович ; Мельник, Олександр Васильовичвплив 1-МЦП на розвиток функціональних пошкоджень плодів
Матеріал158. Мамчур Т.В. Ботанічні(Умань: ВПЦ «Візаві», 2024) Мамчур Тетяна
МатеріалA device for lifting liquid(Primedia eLaunch & European Scientific Platform, 2023-05-26) Kepko O.I.A liquid-lifting device refers to units that are used to lift water and other liquids from reservoirs or wells to the required height.
МатеріалA Sir Model for Viral Growth of Coronavirus: A System Dynamics Approach(Springer, Cham, 2023) Reznik N., Sakovska O., Yemelyanov O., Petrushka K., Petrushka I., Dramaretska K.In this paper, a system dynamics model depicts the viral growth of COVID-19 at an exponential rate. The outbreak of Corona virus was started from the Feb 26, 2020 when the first casewas reported in Pakistan. Local bodies and law enforcing agencies had taken initial preventive measures to restrict the COVID-19 to a particular locality but all in vain. The infected people were increasing every day rising the stocks of recoveries and deaths. Numbers of infected people were alarming and a need was felt to develop the model to calculate the existing reproduction number and transmission rate and highlight its varied values in coming days. People-oriented measures and government-based policies must be explored to fight against this deadly disease. This paper aims the development of epidemic model using the system dynamic framework on simulation software STELLA. The objective of the research is to experiment with the model to replicate the progression of the communicable disease and probe the multiple combinations of the people-based and government-based measures to reduce its spread. The containment measures are of two types; people-based measures and government-based measures and both directly affect the reproduction number and infection growth fraction for mitigating the spread of deadly coronavirus. Combined efforts of public and government can combat this pandemic. Reduced degree of reproduction number and infection growth fraction are the key metrics to judge and evaluate the effectiveness of containment measures. This research points to more holistic combination of public and governmentoriented measures that play the vital role to flatten the curve and reduce its spread affecting the reproduction number. Simulation results have been traced to replicate the real-life settings against four combinations of containment measures in tabular form and graphical form.
МатеріалA study of apple rootstocks in intensive orchards(Warsaw–Ursynow, Poland, 1999-08-21) Мельник, Олександр Васильович ; Гончарук, Володимир Якович ; Цирта, Володимир Семенович ; Осадчий, Володимир ОлександровичПредставлені результати вивчення підщеп яблуні в інтенсивних садах
МатеріалAbility to reduce the formula of sterilization(CPN Publishing Group, 2019-11-27) Fedorov, V.G. ; Кепко, О.І. ; Кепко, V.M.They showed the possibility of reducing the first and third parts of the sterilization formula with a slight increase of the second part of the sterilization formula. For this purpose, the actual heat resistance of the glass cans SKO-83-1 and SKO-83-2 was investigated. To maintain the standard conditions of immersion of the cans (20oC - 5 min .; 100oC - 5 min; 60oC - 2 min.) Thermostats with automatic maintenance of the set temperature were used. Показали можливість зменшення першої та третьої частини формули стерилізації із незначним збільшенням другої частини формули стерилізації. Для цього було досліджено фактичну термостійкість скляних банок СКО-83-1 та СКО-83-2. Для підтримування стандартних умов занурення банок (20оС - 5 хв.; 100оС - 5 хв.; 60оС - 2 хв.) використовували термостати з автоматичною підтримкою заданої температури
МатеріалACCOUNTING AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT OF MANAGEMENT OF INDIRECT COSTS FOR THE AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISE(Redakcja Czasopisma naukowego WSPÓŁPRACA EUROPEJSKA, 2019) Матрос, Олена ; Кучеренко, Тамара ; Мельник, Людмила ; Ратушна, ОльгаIn this study, attention is paid to the management of indirect costs by adjusting the proportion of indirect costs total cost of goods sold. The object of study is accounting and analytical support of management of indirect costs for the agricultural enterprise. The proposed accounting model of breakeven point, which consists of revenue from sales of goods – receipt of funds, constant (indirect) costs and variable costs – cash outflows and profit – difference of income and outflow of funds or financial result of economic activity. Using this model, in addition to the possibility of forming short and medium-term budgets of enterprises, allows to answer the question how will the profits when any other indicator models and under what conditions will reach the highest level of profit. Using the accounting model we developed a methodology of measuring the level of influence of changes in the share of indirect costs on performance indicators (profit, ROI) and the break-even level of production. In addition, the analyzed data 28 statistical reports of agricultural enterprises to determine the average percentage of indirect costs total cost of goods sold and found that the average share of overheads total cost of sales made up 9.03%. It is established that the correlation between the share of overheads total cost of sales and profitability implement direct. By increasing the proportion of indirect costs total cost of goods sold by 1% the level of profitability of realized production of grain will grow by 0,2719 %
МатеріалACCOUNTING OF RECEIVABLES AND THEIR IMPROVEMENT(ІВІМА, Кордова, Іспанія, 2021-04-21) Людмила Мельник ; Liudmyla Melnyk ; Наталія Оляднічук ; Ольга Підлубна ; Тамара Кучеренко ; Світлана Михайловина ; Марина Корчемна ; Nataliya Olyadnichuk ; Olha Pidlybna ; Tamara Kucherenko ; Svеtlana Myxaylovyna ; Maryna KorchemnaAccounting-and-economic and organizational issues of settlements with debtors, timely repayment of receivables, creation of a reserve of doubtful debts have always been one of the main positions, as they have a significant impact on the financial stability and independence of the business entity. It is necessary to analyze the essence and classification of receivables taking into account the importance of receivables management. Adequate organization of settlement transactions requires strict adherence to financial discipline, timely payment of debts by liabilities, in order to ensure timely receiving of funds for sold products, goods, works and services. Late payments for received material values or untimely receipt of funds for sold products and provided services leads to financial difficulties in performing business activities, as receivables cause withdrawal of funds from the turnover of enterprises, which negatively affects their financial condition, and late payment of debts and liabilities leads to the attraction of funds belonging to other enterprises into turnover.
МатеріалACTIVATION OF MORPHOGENESIS OF ROOT CHICORY CALLUS TISSUES(Матеріали ХІІ Міжнародної наукової конференції Селекційно-генетична наука і освіта (Парієві читання) приуроченої до 80-ти річчя з Дня народження Ф. М. Парія., 2023-03-20) І. О. Liubchenko ; А. І. Liubchenko ; I. V. Kolinets ; M. O. MatiashThe aim of our research was to establish optimal conditions for the induction of callus tissue morphogenesis of root chicory.
МатеріалAdaptation of Logistics Companies to Functioning under the Restrictions Imposed by Military Operations(WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 2023) Olha Semenda ; Valentyna Shevchenko ; Safar Purhani ; Oleg Kharit ; Nataliia KrasnostanovaThe logistics system serves all areas of life it has a direct impact on ensuring national security. Except for the number of specific risks that logistics naturally faces, it is one of the first to feel the negative consequences of global crisis phenomena. A large-scale military invasion was the most significant test for the logistics system of Ukraine. So, the article aimed to evaluate the financial indicators of logistics companies to determine their ability to adapt to the restrictions imposed by military operations. The research involved the following methods: analysis of coefficients, taxonomic analysis, and matrix analysis. The study found that the studied companies have insufficient adaptation potential in the field of finance. It was determined that the low values of the adaptation potential are associated with the insufficient level of liquidity, financial stability, business activity, and profitability of the studied logistics companies. The main problems are caused by insufficient working capital to cover the current debt, low level of financial stability and independence, diversion of funds, and low profitability.
МатеріалAdaptive binarization with non-uniform image illumination(Pomiary. Automatyka. Robotyka., 2014) Lishchuk, Roman ; Kucheruk, Volodymyr ; Kurytnik, Igor Piotr
МатеріалAdaptive potential of Ukrainian oat varieties(Perfect Publishing, Vancouver, Canada., 2020-05-15) Tretiakova Svitlana Oleksiivna ; Bashchenko Svitlana Yevheniivna ; Lapeniuk Bohdan Serhiiovych ; Oliinyk Maksym IhorovychНа основі вивчення значної кількості літературних даних, проаналізовано роботу різних селекційно-дослідних станції по створенню більш високоврожайних, сортів вівса вітчизняної селекції, що характеризувалися максимальною реалізацією генетичного потенціалу продуктивності.
МатеріалAgrarian education at the higher educational institutions of Ukraine(«East West» Association for advanced studies and higher education. Vienna. Austria., 2016) Мовчан, Людмила ВолодимирівнаВ статті розглядаються основні напрямки реформування вищої аграрної освіти. Автор вважає, що реформування вищої аграрної освіти зумовлене докорінними змінами в економічних відносинах у аграрному секторі господарства України та детермінується проведенням аграрної та земельної реформ. Розвиток суспільства висуває нові вимоги до підготовки фахівця в різних галузях освіти.
МатеріалAgricultural and biological indicators of grain sorghum depending on the varietal characteristics of domestic and foreign breeding(SSPG Publish, Stockholm, Sweden, 2020-06-03) Voitovska Viktoriіa Ivanivna ; Tretiakova Svitlana Oleksiivna ; Petrychenko Yevhenii AnatoliiovychОцінено та порівняно основні сортові характеристики зернового сорго. Встановлено основні відмінності в якісних показниках структури та продуктивності сортів зернового сорго як вітчизняної так і зарубіжної селекції.
МатеріалAgricultural Higher Education and Training in Europe(International Conference on Advanced Research in Training and Education, 2019-05) Movchan, Liudmyla ; Komisarenko, NataliiaThe article deals with the issue of agricultural education at European institutions. The author analyzes modern approach to the development of agricultural education according to globalization and integration processes that call new requirement for training experts in the field of agriculture. She points out that Agricultural education provides opportunities to learn basic agricultural skills and knowledge, occupation training and retraining, and professional growth and development. Students at European agricultural colleges learn through a combination of theory and practice, delivered within the college and in industrial placements. European agricultural colleges train students to operate within an enterprise, keeping the balance between economic demands and environmental issues. The author focuses on the analysis of the main principles applied to education and training in agriculture and also defines functions and characteristics of agricultural training institutions in Europe that looks at career prospects of future specialists in agriculture.
МатеріалAgro-ecological and biological aspects of the components selection for mixed sowings of forage crops(1Uman National University of Horticulture (Uman), Cherkasy region, Uman, st. Instytutska, 1-20305, Ukraine. 2National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev), st. Heroiv Oborony, 15-03041, Ukraine., 2019-12-30) Приходько, Віталій Олександрович ; Полторецька, Наталія Миколаївна ; Полторецький, Сергій Петрович
МатеріалAgrobiological assessment of green bean varieties by adaptability, productivity, and nitrogen fixation.(Scientific Horizons, 2023) Яценко В.В. ; Полторецький С.П. ; Полторецька Н.М. ; Яценко Н.В.У статті наведено результати дослідження адаптивної мінливості сортів квасолі спаржевої за параметрами індивідуальної продуктивності, урожайності зелених бобів і насіння та продуктивності азотфіксації. Методи. Дослідження проводили в умовах навчально-виробничого відділу Уманського національного університету садівництва впродовж 2020–2022 рр., використовували шість сортів, поширених у виробництві. Для вивчення параметрів адаптивної мінливості використано стандартні методи генетико-статистичного аналізу. Результати складаються з двох груп параметрів. Перша група містить результати, які показують найважливіші адаптивно-продуктивні характеристики (маса бобів з рослини, врожайність, пластичність, стабільність, селекційна цінність, адаптивність). Другу групу складають параметри харчової цінності (вміст цукрів, аскорбінової кислоти, сухої речовини, жирів, вуглеводів і енергетична цінність сировини) та продуктивність азотфіксації досліджуваних популяцій (кількість бульбочок і маса бульбочок, вміст легоглобіну та об’єм фіксованого азоту). Дослідження фенологічних змін показало, що залежно від сорту до настання технічної стиглості проходить від 54 до 67 діб, а варіювання даної ознаки складає 8 %. Найкоротшим періодом до збору зелених бобів характеризувалися сорти Зоренька і Касабланка. Варіювання періоду вегетації до настання біологічної стиглості було у межах 90 – 108 діб (CV = 6 %). За показником прикріплення нижнього боба виявлено придатні сорти до механізованого збору врожаю – Зоренька і Касабланка. Аналізуючи параметри адаптивності ознак «маса бобів» та «врожайність» виявлено стабільний сорт – Фруідор та високопродуктивні сорти інтенсивного типу Палома, Лаура, Зоренька і Касабланка. Найбільш врожайним був сорт Зоренкьа – 12,7 т/га, а найменш врожайним – Фруідор – 1,9 т/га. За врожайністю насіння виділилися сорти Пурпурова королева, Зоренька та Касабланка врожайність яких була на рівні 2,22–2,89 т/га, що більше від стандарту на 30,8–70,6 %. Аналізуючи залежність параметрів росту і розвитку рослин квасолі спаржевої, видно, що дані ознаки в більшій мірі залежать від умов (CVA, %) у яких вони формувалися, аніж від генотипової складової (CVG, %). Висновки. У результаті екологічного вивчення сортів квасолі спаржевої встановлено, що умови Лісостепу України підходять для отримання якісної сировини для переробки і ведення насінництва.
МатеріалAgrobiological characteristics of spelt wheat and intermediate wheatgrass in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine(Melitopol, 2020) Karpenko, V.P. ; Poltoretskyi, S.P. ; Liubych, V.V.Estimation of spelt wheat and the species of intermediate wheatgrass by the main agrobiological indicators (calendar dates of the beginning of the main phases of plant development, plant height dynamics, dry mass accumulation, grain yield and protein content) compared to soft wheat was done. The index of stability of grain yield formation was determined. It was found that the main phases of development in spelt wheat occurred on average 10-15 days later than in soft wheat. Plants of intermediate wheatgrass in the first year of cultivation had slower growth. The main phases of development in plants of intermediate wheatgrass of the second and third year of growth occurred almost in the same time with soft wheat. It was established that spelt wheat and intermediate wheatgrass were significantly superior to soft wheat in plant height. In the earing phase, the height of these plants was on average more than 100 cm, which had to be taken into account when growing these crops. It varied from 25 to 42 cm in spelt wheat and from 29 cm to 57 cm in intermediate wheatgrass during the stem elongation phase depending on the weather conditions of the research year. This indicator ranged from 107 cm to 113 cm and from 96 cm to 117 cm, respectively, in the earing phase, and from 137 to 168 cm and from 107 cm to 196 cm in the phase of milk ripeness of grain. Plants of spelt wheat and intermediate wheatgrass had a high stability index of the formation of dry matter and grain yield. It should be noted that intermediate wheatgrass formed a significant vegetative mass even in the earing phase. The vegetative mass in spelt wheat was formed during the earing period - full ripeness of grain. These crops (spelt wheat - 22.1 +/- 0.4, intermediate wheatgrass - 22.4-24.6 +/- 0.2-0.5) were significantly superior to soft wheat (12.1 +/- 0.5) by the content of protein in grain, so it was recommended to involve them in the selection programs to create species with high productivity. However, spelt wheat (5.58 +/- 0.13) was less and intermediate wheatgrass (0.98-1.22 +/- 0.14-0.18) was the most inferior to soft wheat (8.03 +/- 0.27) in terms of grain yield.
МатеріалAgrobiological characteristics of spelt wheat and intermediate wheatgrass in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine(Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2020) Karpenko, V. P. ; Poltoretskyi, S. P. ; Liubych, V. V. ; Adamenko, D. M. ; Kravets, I. S. ; Prytuliak, R. M.Estimation of spelt wheat and the species of intermediate wheatgrass by the main agrobiological indicators (calendar dates of the beginning of the main phases of plant development, plant height dynamics, dry mass accumulation, grain yield and protein content) compared to soft wheat was done. The index of stability of grain yield formation was determined. It was found that the main phases of development in spelt wheat occurred on average 10–15 days later than in soft wheat. Plants of intermediate wheatgrass in the first year of cultivation had slower growth. The main phases of development in plants of intermediate wheatgrass of the second and third year of growth occurred almost in the same time with soft wheat. It was established that spelt wheat and intermediate wheatgrass were significantly superior to soft wheat in plant height. In the earing phase, the height of these plants was on average more than 100 cm, which had to be taken into account when growing these crops. It varied from 25 to 42 cm in spelt wheat and from 29 cm to 57 cm in intermediate wheatgrass during the stem elongation phase depending on the weather conditions of the research year. This indicator ranged from 107 cm to 113 cm and from 96 cm to 117 cm, respectively, in the earing phase, and from 137 to 168 cm and from 107 cm to 196 cm in the phase of milk ripeness of grain. Plants of spelt wheat and intermediate wheatgrass had a high stability index of the formation of dry matter and grain yield. It should be noted that intermediate wheatgrass formed a significant vegetative mass even in the earing phase. The vegetative mass in spelt wheat was formed during the earing period – full ripeness of grain. These crops (spelt wheat – 22.1 0.4, intermediate wheatgrass – 22.4–24.6 0.2–0.5) were significantly superior to soft wheat (12.1 0.5) by the content of protein in grain, so it was recommended to involve them in the selection programs to create species with high productivity. However, spelt wheat (5.58 0.13) was less and intermediate wheatgrass (0.98–1.22 0.14–0.18) was the most inferior to soft wheat (8.03 0.27) in terms of grain yield
МатеріалAgrobiological evaluation of Allium ampeloprasum L. variety samples in comparison with Allium sativum L. cultivars(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2019) I Didenko, O Kuhnyuk, O Lazariev, O Ulianych, V Yatsenko, S Tretiakova, N VorobiovaThe purpose of investigation is to study the biological and morphological features, to establish the economic and valuable characteristics of the introduced and local forms of Allium ampeloprasum L. in comparison with Allium sativum L. and to study the effect of removal of the scape in the yield. The studies used field, statistical, settlement and analytical methods. The weight of the bulb without removing the inflorescence shoot of the cultivar Sofiivskyi was 28.4– 53.3 g smaller than the variety samples No. 2 and No. 3 respectively. With removing the scape the difference increased by 60.5–68.6 g. The yield of No. 2 variety sample Allium ampeloprasum L. without removing the scape was lower than the standard by 1.7 t ha-1 while the variety sample No. 3 exceeded the standard by 1.1 t ha-1. With the removal of inflorescence shoot the yields of variety samples No. 2 and No. 3 exceeded the cultivar Sofiivskyi by 1.6 and 2.2 t ha-1. It has been established according to the researches that introduced forms of Allium ampeloprasum L. have high indicators of economic and valuable characteristics, but they are limited in the first years of cultivation, by the period of adaptation to the new soil and climatic conditions.