Agrobiological assessment of productivity and nitrogen fixation of vegetable soybean (edamame) in the conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
Agrobiological assessment of productivity and nitrogen fixation of vegetable soybean (edamame) in the conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
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Yatsenko V., Yatsenko N., Karpenko V., Poltoretskyi S., Lazariev O., Kravchenko V., Chynchyk O., Vyshnevska L., Tretiakova S. and Kozyrsky D.
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Agronomy Research
Agrobiological evaluation of vegetable soybean cultivars (Glycine max var. Shirofumi)
according to a complex of economically valuable traits for introduction in the conditions of the
Forest-Steppe of Ukraine it was carried out with the aim of selecting the source material and
selecting promising breeding forms according to morpho-biological and physiologicalbiochemical
characteristics. The research was conducted in the conditions of the educational and
production department of Uman National University of Horticulture during 2020–2022,
collection cultivars of different ecological and geographical origins were used. The cultivars ‘Sac’
(166.00 g plant-1), ‘Vesta’ (139.33 g plant-1), ‘Fiskeby V’ (133.33 g plant-1), and ‘Fiskeby V-E5’
(146.67 g plant-1) possessed a large mass of edamame beans. The maximum yield of edamame
beans was formed by plants of the ‘L 380-2-13’ (12.67 t ha-1), ‘Vesta’ (12.33 t ha-1), ‘Sac’
(13.20 t ha-1), ‘Fiskeby V’ (13.97 t ha-1), and ‘Fiskeby V-E5’ (14.53 t ha-1). Weather conditions
during the period of research significantly influenced the yield and biochemical composition of
edamame varieties. The yield of edamame beans ranged from 5.40 t ha-1in 2020 (min) to
22.40 t ha-1 in 2021 (max), and the coefficient of variation by varieties was at the level of 19–41%.
This phenomenon is explained by the minimum amount of precipitation in 2020 and the high
amount in 2021, which is confirmed by the hydrothermal coefficient during the period of intensive
pod growth (VII–VIII) - 2020 - 0.3; 2021 - 1.3 and 1.1 respectively for the month. The protein
concentration in Edamame beans was in the range of 27.94–36.29%. A higher protein content
relative to the standard was noted in one sample - ‘Karikachi’ - 36.29%. Minimal accumulation
of oligosaccharides was noted in ‘Sac’ and ‘Astra’ cultivars, which indicates their suitability for
consumption. Promising cultivars were identified by the amount of fixed nitrogen - ‘Sac’
(168.00 ± 4.32 kg ha-1), ‘Astra’ (161.67 ± 2.36 kg ha-1) and SybNYYSOH 6 (158.19 ± 4.56 kg ha-1).
The conducted regression analysis showed close relationships (from moderate to functional)
between various indicators of the development and productivity of the nodulation apparatus of edamame cultivars. The evaluation of the collection cultivars of vegetable soybeans, their use
according to the variability of morphological features and productivity made it possible to single
out the ‘Sac’ among the introduced collection cultivars based on a set of valuable traits for use in
the selection process to create new cultivars of vegetable soybeans.
Ключові слова
Бібліографічний опис
Yatsenko V., Yatsenko N., Karpenko V., Poltoretskyi S., Lazariev O., Kravchenko V., Chynchyk O., Vyshnevska L., Tretiakova S. and Kozyrsky D. Agrobiological assessment of productivity and nitrogen fixation of vegetable soybean (edamame) in the conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Agronomy Research. 2023. Vol. 21(2), 1006–1026.