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МатеріалStudy of total antioxidant capacity of red raspberry (Rubus idaeous L.) shoots(Антіокійський університет Медельїн, Колумбія, 2023-04-22)ackground: Today, cardiovascular, oncological, and neurodegenerative diseases are the main causes of death in the world, according to official World Health Organization (WHO) statistics. Antioxidants are used to treat and prevent these diseases. In order to develop optimal technology for obtaining drugs based on plant extracts with antioxidant action, it is necessary to determine the total antioxidant capacity of raspberry shoots. Objectives: The study aimed to determine the total antioxidant capacity of red raspberry shoots, study the content of biologically active substances (BAS), and the antioxidant activity of red raspberry shoot extracts obtained during subsequent exhaustive extraction. Methods: The number of phenolic compounds, catechins, flavonoids, and hydroxycinnamic acids was determined by a spectrophotometric analysis method, whereas organic acids were determined by the alkalimetric method in red raspberry shoot extracts; the antioxidant activity of obtained extracts was evaluated by potentiometric method. Results: The total antioxidant capacity of red raspberry shoots was 164.12 mmol-equiv./m dry weight, the sum of the total content of phenolic compounds was 24.40 mg gallic acid (GA)/mL, catechins – 21.36 mg epigallocatechin 3-O-gallate (EGCG)/mL, flavonoids – 0.77 mg rutin (R)/mL, hydroxycinnamic acids derivatives – 2.56 mg chlorogenic acid (ChA)/mL and organic acids – 1.88 mg citric acid (CA)/mL in red raspberry shoot extracts obtained during subsequent exhaustive extraction. The analysis showed that there is a very high positive correlation between antioxidant activity and total phenolic compounds, catechin, flavonoid, hydroxycinnamic acids derivatives, and organic acids content in red raspberry shoot extracts. Conclusions: Total red raspberry shoots’ antioxidant capacity has been determined. The study results can be used to develop optimal technology for obtaining drugs based on the extract of red raspberry shoots, which has an antioxidant effect
МатеріалStudy of solvent extraction of atomoxetine from aqueous solutions and biological fluids(Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 2020)This article presents the systematic study of the solvent extraction of an antidepressant Atomoxetine and optimization of the drug isolation methods from blood and urine. The dependence of the extraction recovery of Atomoxetine from aqueous solutions on the type of the organic solvent, pH of the aqueous medium and the presence of a salting-out agent was determined. Сhloroform, methylene chloride, 1,2-dichloroethane, diethyl ether, ethyl acetate, tetrachloromethane, benzene, toluene, hexane were tested as organic extragents. The quantitative determination of Atomoxetine was performed by the UV-spectrophotometric method. The maximum extraction recovery value was of 28% at pH of 13 for chloroform. The extraction recovery with diethyl ether at pH of 1-2 was the lowest and equal to 0.2%, that makes possible to recommend this solvent for the extraction purification from co-extractive components of the biological matrix. To increase the extraction recovery sodium chloride and ammonium sulphate were used as salting-out agents. The maximum value of 89% in the extraction recovery of Atomoxetine was obtained for chloroform at pH of 11-12 in the aqueous phase saturation with ammonium sulphate. Recovery values of the solvent drug extraction were of 38.8% (RSD 8.7%) and 69.3% (RSD 6.7%) from blood and urine, respectively. Precipitation of blood cells by trichloroacetic acid (in sample preparation of blood), back-extraction and TLC clean-up step were incorporated into the sample preparation scheme to eliminate the extraction of the matrix components. The results obtained could be used in toxicological study of biological samples for presence of Atomoxetine.
МатеріалДослідження екстракції розчинником атомоксетину з водних розчинів і біологічних рідин(Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 2020-09-16)У статті представлено систематичне дослідження екстракції розчинником антидепресанту атомоксетину та оптимізації методів виділення препарату з крові та сечі. Визначено залежність екстракційного вилучення атомоксетину з водних розчинів від типу органічного розчинника, рН водного середовища та наявності висолювача. В якості органічних екстрагентів досліджено хлороформ, метиленхлорид, 1,2-дихлоретан, діетиловий ефір, етилацетат, тетрахлорметан, бензол, толуол, гексан. Кількісне визначення атомоксетину проводили УФ-спектрофотометричним методом. Максимальне значення відновлення екстракції становило 28% при pH 13 для хлороформу. Відновлення екстракції діетиловим ефіром при рН 1–2 було найменшим і становило 0,2%, що дозволяє рекомендувати цей розчинник для екстракційного очищення від коекстрактивних компонентів біологічної матриці. Для підвищення вилучення в якості висолювачів використовували хлорид натрію та сульфат амонію. Максимальне значення 89% екстракційного відновлення атомоксетину було отримано для хлороформу при рН 11–12 при насиченні водної фази сульфатом амонію. Значення вилучення препарату розчинником становили 38,8% (RSD 8,7%) і 69,3% (RSD 6,7%) з крові та сечі відповідно. Осадження клітин крові трихлороцтовою кислотою (при підготовці зразка крові), зворотна екстракція та етап очищення ТШХ були включені в схему підготовки зразка, щоб усунути екстракцію компонентів матриці. Отримані результати можуть бути використані при токсикологічному дослідженні біологічних зразків на наявність атомоксетину
МатеріалLipoperoxidation in Grain Sorghum under the Influence of Herbicides, Phytohormones, and Biopreparation(Scientific Horizons, 2021)The use of herbicides for sowing grain cultures, including grain sorghum, is an integral condition for high yield indicators. However, upon penetrating into plant organisms, herbicides can intensify synthesis of the reactive oxygen species, which leads to the aggravation of lipid peroxidation and activates antioxidant systems, namely superoxide dismutase enzyme. It is known that phytohormones and microbial preparations, if included in the cultivation technology, can improve plants’ ability to resist oxidative stress caused by xenobiotics. However, the integrative influence of herbicides, phytohormones, and microbial preparations on activity of superoxide dismutase enzyme as well as on lipid peroxidation intensity in plants of grain sorghum is understudied, which preconditioned the purpose of this study. The objects of this study were as follows: grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolour (L.) Moench) of the Milo W hybrid, herbicide Cytadel 25 OD, phytohormone Endofit L1 and biopreparation Bioarsenal. The study was conducted following the requirements of vegetation method. The activity of lipid peroxidation was investigated according to the number of malondialdehyde formed in the plant tissues. The activity of superoxide dismutase enzyme (EC was investigated according to its ability to compete with nitro blue tetrazolium for superoxide anions resulting from interaction between the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate and phenazine methosulfate. The study revealed that under the effect of the herbicide Cytadel 25 OD, indicators of the lipid peroxidation activity in plants averaged 26.2-93.2% higher than in control sample, depending on the herbicide rate and the day after application. Activity of superoxide dismutase in these conditions exceeded that in the control sample by 18.2-96.8% on average. However, provided the joint use of herbicides, phytohormones, and biopreparation, the plants demonstrated a decrease of the lipid peroxidation activity. It lowered by 14.5-19.1% against the background of superoxide dismutase increase by 22.0-38.7% relatively to the variants where only herbicide was used. Results of the experiment attest the positive influence of the phytohormone and biopreparation on the grain sorghum’s resistance to the oxidative stress caused by herbicides. The observed data can become a cornerstone for the further development of biologised cultivation technologies of this culture
МатеріалMorphostructure of Moehringia hypanica Gryn & Klokov in the Buzky Gard National Nature Park, Ukraine(Trakya University Journal of Natural Science, 2024-02-12)The ecological-edaphic and morphological features and the state of populations of the endemic species Moehringia hypanica Gryn & Klokov within the steppe zone of Ukraine were investigated. According to the results of laboratory studies, the humus content of the soil where M. hypanica grows is high, amounting to 7.35-8.23%. According to the results of our research, the availability of soil mobile nutrients showed that the concentrations of Mg, and P₂O₅ were very high, and 8.5-15.0 mg/kg, 129.6-164.5 mg/kg, respectively, and Ca concentration was high and very high, which corresponds to 12.5-27.5 mg/kg. The N concentration of the substrate increased in the samples (256.2-268.8 mg/kg), and the S concentration varied between very low and low (1.3-4.8 mg/kg). This indicated high concentrations of Mg, P₂O₅, and Ca in the substrate and as a limiting factor for the successful growth of the studied plants. The analysis of the cationic and anionic composition of the water extract showed that the soil was classified as non-saline (the sum of salts did not exceed 0.1%). The content of all salts did not exceed the toxicity thresholds. It has been established that in order to preserve the populations of this endemic plant, it is necessary to maintain a stable chemical composition of the substrate and prevent human intervention. During the expeditionary research, we noted that the populations are dominated by young generative and medium generative plants, with a small number of old generative and virgin individuals