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МатеріалAgrarian education at the higher educational institutions of Ukraine(«East West» Association for advanced studies and higher education. Vienna. Austria., 2016) Мовчан, Людмила ВолодимирівнаВ статті розглядаються основні напрямки реформування вищої аграрної освіти. Автор вважає, що реформування вищої аграрної освіти зумовлене докорінними змінами в економічних відносинах у аграрному секторі господарства України та детермінується проведенням аграрної та земельної реформ. Розвиток суспільства висуває нові вимоги до підготовки фахівця в різних галузях освіти.
МатеріалAgricultural Higher Education and Training in Europe(International Conference on Advanced Research in Training and Education, 2019-05) Movchan, Liudmyla ; Komisarenko, NataliiaThe article deals with the issue of agricultural education at European institutions. The author analyzes modern approach to the development of agricultural education according to globalization and integration processes that call new requirement for training experts in the field of agriculture. She points out that Agricultural education provides opportunities to learn basic agricultural skills and knowledge, occupation training and retraining, and professional growth and development. Students at European agricultural colleges learn through a combination of theory and practice, delivered within the college and in industrial placements. European agricultural colleges train students to operate within an enterprise, keeping the balance between economic demands and environmental issues. The author focuses on the analysis of the main principles applied to education and training in agriculture and also defines functions and characteristics of agricultural training institutions in Europe that looks at career prospects of future specialists in agriculture.
МатеріалDevelopment of the tourist sphere in Ukraine: socio-economic aspect.(Editor Khalid S. Soliman. International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), 2020) Кожухівська, Раїса Борисівна ; Чучмій, Ірина Іванівна ; Гарбар, Ольга Петрівна ; Костюк, Майя Володимирівна ; Нечитайло, Вероніка Володимирівна ; Саковська, Олена МиколаївнаThe relevance of studying the main aspects of tourism development in Ukraine is due to the fact that in recent decades tourism has developed significantly and has become a massive socio-economic phenomenon. Its rapid development is facilitated by the expansion of political, economic, scientific and cultural relations between Ukraine and other countries. Therefore, the enquiry of the tourism activities status, the identification of the main functions and factors that affects its development have big importance for the further development of this industry. The purpose of the article is to investigate and analyze the economic status of the tourism industry on the basis of inbound and outbound tourism. Social and economic aspects of development the tourism sphere in Ukraine are outlined and investigated in the article.
МатеріалDomestic and Foreign Experience in Training Future Managers of Educational Institutions.(Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice., 2022-06-29) Бечко Яна ВалеріївнаAbstract. The purpose of the presented research is to study, summarize and analyze the Ukrainian and international experience of training future teachers who will hold senior positions in educational institutions. The methods of information analysis and synthesis, the comparative method, as well as the method of induction and deduction were used in this study. At the final stage of the study, the method of analyzing scientific literature relevant to the subject of the study was used. The study analyzes the current state of training of future leading educational institutions, master’s degree students in the specialization “Management of educational institutions” on the example of educational institutions in Ukraine. Some information about universities in Poland, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Canada was reviewed. The practical value of the presented research lies in the fact that the information from it can be used to study the international experience of training future teachers and analyze working strategies to improve the quality of teacher training in higher education institutions.
МатеріалNavigating the AI Frontier: My Journey in the “Using ChatGPT in Higher Education” Course.(TESOL Hawai'i, 2024-02) Yuliia FernosThe article explores the transformative potential of AI tools, particularly ChatGPT, in higher education. Through a five-week course, participants learned to integrate ChatGPT into their teaching methods, improving efficiency, supporting student learning, and addressing ethical considerations. The course highlighted the importance of clear prompts for optimal AI use and emphasized fostering critical perspectives on AI's role in education. Practical assignments enabled participants to apply AI in realistic scenarios. The author concludes that teaching responsible AI usage is crucial for preparing students and educators for a future shaped by AI.
МатеріалProblem of formation of professional and communicative competence of prospective specialists of agrarian profile(Publishing office Vela Verlag Waldkraiburg. – Munich. – Germany, 2014) Лазарєв, Олег ВячеславовичThere is a problem of formation of professional communicative competence of prospect specialists of agrarian profile on the basis of competence approach on the modern stage of higher agrarian education. Professional communication competence is an integrative trait of a future specialist, which is reflected in readiness and ability to professional communication and is based on knowledge, skills and experience in setting professional contacts and realization of professional communicative strategy. The problem of formation of professional communicative competence is usually solved in the process of realization of personal oriented education. Personal oriented approach in education is aimed at the fact that principle of education should be based on the personality of those, who studies, their motives, goals, abilities and activity. It is also necessary to form professional communicative competence of the prospective specialists of agrarian profile, because it is an acquired property, which develops during the process of professional activity
МатеріалQuality training of specialists at higher agrarian educational institutions of Ukraine(«East West» Association for advanced studies and higher education GmbH. Vienna. Austria., 2016) Мовчан, Людмила ВолодимирівнаThe main problems of Ukrainian training of specialists at higher agrarian educational institutions and the ways of their solution are described in the article. The author pointed out the main labor market requirements to professionals and graduates.
МатеріалSEMANTIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE POLYSEMOUS LEXEME ENG. FIRE IN THE INTEGRAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS (2023)(Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2023-10-07) Бечко Яна ВалеріївнаIn our article, we focused on the peculiarities of the semantic display of the polysemantic lexeme English. fire in phraseological context and on the reflection of this development in the integral semantic structure of the group of phraseological units with the corresponding key component in the form of a frame, determining for the interpretation of the FIRE concept at the phraseological level. By phraseological context we understand both the internal structure of phraseological units and the integral structure of the corresponding phraseological groups. Having studied idiomatic phrasemes, we found out whether the set of phraseological units with the mentioned lexeme as their key unit constitutes a system-organizing whole and the role of the lexeme Eng. fire in structuring of the corresponding phraseological group. We also tried to determine whether the lexeme we are studying can acquire a phraseologically related meaning, or, when used as part of phraseological units, it simply implements its system of meanings, inherent to it as a unit of the lexical-semantic system and presented in explanatory dictionaries. Our analysis was aimed at more fully elucidating the content of the FIRE concept and its semiotic-model potential. In our article, we find out in what way the specific meaning of the word Eng. fire affect the general meaning of the phraseological unit that includes this word. In this regard, the degree of motivational transparency of the internal form of phraseological units is important, because it is this transparency that allows to correlate certain components of the integral meaning of the phraseme with the corresponding lexemes in its composition. However, idioms differ in this sense, having more or less motivational transparency or being opaque because their motivation is either purely conventional or historically obscured. The analysis of the semantic display of the lexeme Eng. fire at the phraseological level testified that this display is uneven and even selective. Phrase-making activity in the phraseological context of the English language is revealed only by the semantemes “fire, flame” and “making fire”, partially coinciding in terms of their expression of secondary phraseologically related meanings. Regarding the division of the analyzed phraseological units into nominative and predicative, it should be noted that predicative compounds constitute the main array of the grouping. A common feature for the integral semantics of most of them is the designation of a certain situation, which is distinguished by the feature “nature of effective influence”. As we have seen from the examples, this influence can be constructive and destructive, and this contrast is decisive for the semantic structure of the analyzed group. From a quantitative point of view, phrasemes with the meaning of destructive influence predominate, which gives reason to consider this contrast as a privative one, and phrasemes with the meaning of constructive influence as a marked (by virtue of a smaller number) member of this privative correlation. It is worth to mention that in many phrasemes, fire is depicted as a source and even a subject of destructive actions aimed at a person and his environment; but such a source may often not be specified precisely as fire, but instead appears precisely as “something unspecified (generalized) and dangerous”. Much less often, fire appears as a source or tool of constructive influence. The situations described in idioms almost always relate to a person in one way or another, to his relationships with the environment in which he exists.
МатеріалStandartization of education in high education institutions of Ukraine and Poland(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UP Kraków, 2015) Каричковська, Світлана ПетрівнаIn the article the curriculum of Pedagogical University of Cracow (Poland) of educational and qualification level of bachelor with the specialization in “Philology” (English and literature) is considered and its comparing with the pedagogical universities of Ukraine is carried out.
МатеріалStudy of the Impact of War Migration of the Population on the Ukrainian and European Labour Market(University of Szczecin, 2024-05-31) Vitalii Rybchak ; Nataliia Verniuk ; Inna Novak ; Yuliia Fernos
МатеріалThe competence approach in teaching the second foreign language at non-linguistic university.(Черкаський національний університет, 2018) Movchan L. ; Lazariev O.Council of Europe declared the XXI century of polyglot age. The article points out the main purpose of teaching the first and the second foreign languages at higher school that is the development of the ability and readiness of future experts from different specialties to intercultural communication and implementation of professional communication strategy and increasing the level of formation of professional communicative competence. The work towards improving the teaching of the second foreign language promotes to the implementation of major educational objectives: to provide future professionals with a unique opportunity to get deep, strong and stable knowledge from the first (English) and the second (French) languages, to develop professional communicative competence, to enter of university graduates into European international educational and professional space. European linguistic characteristics is a new level in teaching and learning of foreign languages in Ukraine, the implementation of competence approach in foreign language teaching, the introduction of European standards of assessment according to the State standards. Personality orientation of future expert in view of modern living requirements of other countries and cultural communities, defines success in learning languages.
МатеріалThe Role of educational associations and unions in the development of formal and non-formal women’s education in Great Britain in the 1860–1870s(ISAP, 2020) Кравчук, Інна Олександрівна ; Заболотна, Оксана АдольфівнаУ статті розглянуто вплив освітніх асоціацій і спілок на розвиток жіночої освіти у Великій Британії у 1860–1870-х рр. У середині ХІХ ст. жінки не мали доступу до вищої освіти, їх часто не допускали до засідань наукових спільнот. Назріла необхідність у організаціях, які би представляли інтереси жінок, зокрема у сфері освіти. Їхні лідерки намагалися поширити ідею збільшення освітніх можливостей жінок і ліквідації гендерної дискримінації в освіті як основної передумови самореалізації жінок. Впливові жіночі освітні асоціації та спілки поступово досягають поставлених цілей: організовують курси лекцій для жінок спочатку за межами університетів, пізніше – у їхніх стінах, відкривають жіночі заклади середньої та подальшої освіти; їхня діяльність була одним із ключових факторів для надання жінкам доступу до вищої освіти.
МатеріалTheoretical Design of the Formation of Professional Communicative Competence of Future Non-Language Experts in the Process of Learning a Foreign Language(online, 2021-03-25) Lazariev, Oleh ; Fernos, Yuliia ; Komisarenko, Nataliia ; Movchan, Liudmyla ; Oliinyk, OlenaCompetence-based technologies used for teaching a foreign language in non-linguistic higher education institutions, put at the center of all education system student competence, providing comfortable, conflict-free conditions of its development, realization of natural and acquired potentials. The construction of a competence-based educational process presupposes the orientation of the training space on the competence sphere of students. The studied experience makes it possible to identify competencebased “platforms”, as well as the main “landmarks” for teaching a foreign language to future experts of non-linguistic specialties. Not only the general English language course, which is quite universal for all specialties, but also the professionally-oriented course, which depends on the chosen specialty in the higher education institution, acquires great importance in the training of future non-language experts. The competence orientation of teaching foreign languages to students of non-linguistic specialties is to ensure proficiency in a foreign language within the framework of both everyday communication and in the specialty at a creative and professional level. Theoretical design of the formation of professional communicative competence of future non-language professionals in the process of learning a foreign language confirms the feasibility of the proposed method, allows us to theoretically justify its effectiveness.
МатеріалTo the issue of the use of case study method during foreign language teaching(Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2024-06-28) Бечко Яна Валеріївна ; Комісаренко Наталія ОлександрівнаThe article is devoted to the analysis the definition and main characteristics of the case study method as one of the most famous methods of modern education, and also to the systematization of the main theoretical statements about the case study method in teaching students of a higher education institutions. The authors find out how the use of the case study method in teaching students of a higher education institution can help in the formation of positive motivation for learning a foreign language, increase cognitive activity, make involvement of students in the education process more active, as well as stimulate the independent activity, the development of creative abilities and non-standard thinking. In contrast to traditional methods of teaching a foreign language in higher educational institutions, which are based on lectures, and the participation of students in classes is minimal, the case study method requires the active participation of the student in the learning process. In their research, the authors define the case study method as a student-oriented activity based on a description of a real situation, which usually includes a problem and its solution. In addition, the main advantages of the case study method as an active method of foreign language teaching are described in the article. Since the case study method is based on a group analysis of the situation and proposals for its solution, the advantage is full immersion in the problem and actions of the teacher: his knowledge of the situation and organization of the discussion. Also, this method allows students to transfer their theoretical knowledge to practice. A case can directly include the case itself, methodological recommendations for its implementation, informational and didactic materials, questions for discussion, as well as tasks for students. One of the main conditions for using the case study method is critical thinking. Critical thinking helps to put forward different approaches, solution options, to consider the subject from different angles, it involves coming up with an original solution. The use of the case study method during foreign language teaching allows students to show creativity in their activities and transfer theoretical knowledge about the cultures of different countries to practice. The emphasis in education process is going to shift from obtaining ready-made knowledge to the process of their independent search. There is a cooperation between the teacher and students, in which students and the teacher are equal in discussing and finding a solution to a certain problem.
МатеріалWays of improving the management of civic education of the students of higher educational establishments(Institute of European Integration (Warsaw, Poland), 2019) Nataliia, Komisarenko ; Olena, OliinykThe article deals with the ways of improving the management of civic education of students at higher educational establishments. The article presents theoretical analysis of the research on this issue. Social and pedagogical prerequisites of civic education were singled out in the context of the Bologna process. The ways of improving the management of civic education of students were substantiated and the structural components of this process were distinguished in the present research paper. According to the results of the conducted research, the authors suggested practical recommendations as to the management of civic education of students that can be applied in the practical work of higher education establishments.
МатеріалYouTube as a Means of Developing Cultural Awarenessof Students.(TESOL HAWAI, 2019-09) Fernos, YuliiaIt is not easy to inspire and motivate the ESL students, but selecting unique engaging materials based on real language can facilitate this task to a great extent. No doubt that modern teenagers cannot imagine their life without the Internet, so teachers should use its resources to develop students’ communicative competence. The effectiveness of communication depends not only on grammar and vocabulary but also on many other factors, such as communication culture, etiquette, and non-verbal forms of communication. Watching videos gives learners the possibility of hearing the language as well as seeing the speakers, perceiving the realities of their life.
МатеріалАНГЛІЙСЬКА МОВА(Видавничо-поліграфічний центр «Візаві», 2023) Комісаренко, Наталія ОлександрівнаПосібник адресований студентам економічних спеціальностей, які навчаються у вищих аграрних навчальних закладах. Зміст посібника відповідає типовій програмі вивчення іноземної мови у вищих аграрних навчальних закладах, структура забезпечує можливість працювати за кредитно-модульною системою організації навчального процесу та контролю знань. Посібник складається з семи розділів та глосарія економічних термінів. В кінці кожного розділу додається граматичний довідник, у якому стисло пояснюється граматичні явища.
МатеріалАнтитезна структура прислів'їв (на матеріалі німецької та англійської мов)( 2007) Олійник, Олена ОлександрівнаУ запропонованій статті об'єктом аналізу є пареміологічні одиниці німецької та англійської мов, побудовані на антитезах. Автором проаналізована антитезна структура німецьких та англійських прислів'їв, здійснена їх тематична класифікація, наведені приклади найпоширеніших зразків тотожних контрастних моделей прислів'їв в англійській та німецькій мовах.
МатеріалАнтропонімія Уманщини XVІІ - початку XXI ст.(Редакційно-видавничий центр Уманського ДАУ, 2008) Блажчук (Фернос), Юлія ІванівнаДисертація присвячена дослідженню антропонімів Уманщини в діахронії. Досліджено семантику твірних основ прізвищевих назв та прізвищ Уманщини, продуктивність антропонімів кожної із розглянутих лексико-семантичних груп, основні мотиваційно-номінаційні групи. Здійснено порівняння найпродуктивніших моделей прізвищ. Укладено інверсійний словник прізвищ регіону.
МатеріалАспекти внутрішньої форми фразеологізмів з ключовою лексемою англ. fire(Житомир: Вид-во ЖДУ ім. І.Франка, 2013) Бечко, Яна ВалеріївнаУ статті проаналізовано особливості внутрішньої форми фразеологізмів, що включають полісемантичну лексему англ. fire, а також розглянуто такі аспекти внутрішньої форми, як прозорість, образність, метафоричний та метонімічний характер. З’ясоввано як внутрішня форма таких фразеологізмів співвідноситься з тими чи іншими фразеологічно пов’язаними вторинними значеннями згаданої ключової лексеми.