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МатеріалAnalysing the Impact of Digitalisation on the Strategic Management of an Enterprise: Highlighting Key Aspects of Transformation(Pacific Business Review (International), 2024-06) Maryna Vuichenko ; Roman Maslyhan ; Gennadiy Stamatin ; Tetiana Ilto ; Mykola YokhnaFor digitalisation and digital transformation to be effective and deliver results, they must become strategic objectives. But any strategic direction requires a strategy. A company's development strategy is a long-term action plan that can adapt to the external environment and market conditions. At the same time, digitalisation can become a tool to ensure more efficient digital decision-making and implement a phased action plan to achieve a strategic result. Given the relevance of the chosen research topic, the purpose of the study may be to analyse the impact of digitalisation on the strategic management of an enterprise by highlighting the key aspects of transformation. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to define the essence and content of digitalisation, outline the role of digitalisation in the process of forming and implementing company strategies, and develop a strategic map for implementing a company management strategy in the context of digitalisation. To obtain the result, the author used both general scientific methods, in particular, analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, systematisation, and a specific method of modelling strategic maps, which allows to present in a comprehensive manner the strategic directions of business development in four main projections: finance, customers, business processes, and personnel. As a result of the study, the role of digitalisation in the transformation of approaches to strategic management was determined. It has been established that digitalisation processes can significantly improve management decision-making by processing large amounts of various information. The paper also builds a strategic map for implementing a company's management strategy in the context of digitalisation, which can become a visual tool for achieving the strategic goals of company development, with the strategic goal being the growth of business value in the long term.
МатеріалAttaining a Competitive Edge in the Agrifood System: Integrating Regenerative Strategies and Digital Technologies for Sustainable Development(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2024) Novak, Inna ; Klymenko, Lidiia ; Shkolny, Oleksandr ; Dluhoborska, Liudmyla ; Zagorodniuk, Oksana ; Chukina, Ivanna ; Halahur, YuliyaThe article addresses the contemporary challenges facing the agrifood sector in sustaining competitive advantages through the integration of regenerative strategies and digital technologies. Internet of Things, automation and robotization, artificial intelligence, traceability, and Big Data are identified as prominent innovative solutions with considerable impact on the agrifood value chain.
МатеріалDevelopment of Economic Complex of the Tourism Industry in Ukraine(IBIMA, Seville, Spain, 2020-04) Нагернюк, Діана Валентинівна ; Непочатенко, Валентина Олександрівна ; Коваленко, Любов Григорівна ; Непочатенко, Олександр Анатолійович ; Жмуденко, Вікторія Олександрівна
МатеріалDevelopment of Export-oriented Supply Chain Management in Agri-food Industries(International Business Information Management Association, 2020) Gomeniuk, Maryna ; Shkolnyi, Oleksandr ; Pitel, Nina ; Klymenko, Lidia ; Verniuk, Nataliia ; Zagorodniuk, Oksana ; Halahur, Yuliya ; Школьний, Олександр Олексійович ; Гоменюк, Марина Олександрівна ; Клименко, Лідія Василівна ; Пітель, Ніна Якимівна ; Вернюк, Наталія Олександрівна ; Загороднюк, Оксана Вікторівна ; Халахур, Юлія ЛеонідівнаThe authors justified the basic goals in Ukraine’s agricultural trade policy improvements, including increasing the share of processed foods and improvements of agricultural exports structure; opening new niches in the global market and diversification of export markets; support of small and medium-sized producers in their export efforts; increasing the level of global competitiveness of Ukrainian producers and processors.
МатеріалDigital transformation in the economy: analysis of the impact on the structure and functions of enterprises(Pacific Business Review international, 2023-12) Maryna Vuichenko ; Tamara Makukh ; Svitlana Sazonova ; Oksana Palamarchuk ; Svitlana ShulhaDigital transformation in the economy is a key process that brings significant changes to the operations of modern businesses. This transformation defines new structures and functions of enterprises, as well as affects their competitiveness and ability to adapt to changes in the digital world. In this context, the aims are to review and analyse the key aspects of digital transformation and its impact on the structure and functions of enterprises
МатеріалDigitalization of Agrarian Enterprises Management in the Frames of Renovation After the War in Ukraine(Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 2024-04-08) Kateryna A. Alekseieva , Olena A. Kovtun , Anatolii D. Ostapchuk , Nadiia P. Reznik , Maryna O. Gomeniuk , and Liubov O. Zgalat-LozynskaIn the paper the conceptual vision of digitalization of management of agrarian enterprises in the frames of renovation after the war in Ukraine is presented. It is important to provide the future development of the economy of Ukraine and of its branches and sectors, in particular of the agrarian sector, based on the inten-sive methods of management. Digitalization of management of agrarian enterprises of different size becomes crucial in the given conditions. As a matter of fact, the agrarian sector of Ukraine is extremely important for the whole economy of the country, because of its food security, social and creating the overall welfare functions. However, the process of management of agrarian enterprises is often characterized by old extensive approaches. Big agrarian enterprises of Ukraine can easily provid digitalization of management at all levels, but as for small and medium-sized enter-prises (SME), the task is not so easy to be fulfilled because of their limited resource possessing. Implementation of such organizational form of activity at the agrarian enterprises as contractual farming can push the digitalization management processes at small and medium-sized agrarian enterprises in the frames of renovation after the war in Ukraine.
МатеріалDirections and recommendations for enterprises to overcome crises using anticipatory teams(Scientific Horizons, 2022) Kristina Sukhetska ; Ljudmila Aleshkina ; Anastasiia Movchaniuk ; Inna Novak ; Nina PitelAnticipatory management plays an important role in the quality functioning and development of the enterprise, which determines the relevance of the study of the selected problem. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the importance of anticipatory management in the management of agricultural enterprises through the introduction of anticipatory teams into the organizational structure, which was caused by the destabilization of the external and internal environment in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war. During the research, general scientific and special methods were used: analysis and synthesis, abstract-logical. The types of crisis situations that can probably happen to the enterprise have been studied. The main factors of the onset of the crisis in agricultural enterprises of Ukraine have been determined. Special attention is paid to the consequences of Russian military aggression. An analysis of the main performance indicators of agricultural enterprises was carried out. The share of Ukrainian companies that have anticipative teams were determined. The urgency of forming anticipatory teams in agricultural enterprises is indicated, which is a necessary means of forecasting and overcoming all possible crises. The basic structure of the company's anticipatory team has been formed. It was determined that solving the current crisis problems requires the involvement of specialists both at the state level and consultants from international organizations. t is recommended to create anticipatory teams at the level of agricultural enterprises, which will provide an opportunity for producers to quickly respond to crisis situations, it will be appropriate to implement the recommendations developed by the anticipatory team of donors. Thus, this study brings new knowledge about the specifics of the functioning of anticipatory teams and has practical value for Ukrainian agricultural enterprises in overcoming the consequences of crisis situations, including the Russian-Ukrainian war.
МатеріалEnvironmental and social responsibility management in international entrepreneurship in EU countries(E3S Web Conf. Volume 408, 2023 International Conference on Sustainable, Circular Management and Environmental Engineering (ISCMEE), 2023) Kustrich Liliia ; Sribna Yevheniia ; Shmatko Nataliia ; Parhomenko Lyudmila ; Neboha Tetiana ; Lytvynenko Alina ; Lytvynenko Elena
МатеріалFOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF REGULATING INTERNATIONAL TRADE TRANSACTIONS(Сумський державний університет, 2015) Клименко, Лідія Василівна ; Зборовська, Юлія ЛеонідівнаThe article analyzes the international experience of state regulating international trade transactions; nature, directions and contradictions of contemporary processes of globalization are defined; components of regulatory and incentive means in system of state supporting foreign trade activity of commodity producers are considered; general provisions for the improvement of state regulation mechanisms of export-import activities in Ukraine are determined.
МатеріалImperatives for the formation and development of the circular economy and global waste management(E3S Web of Conferences 255, 2021) Khomenko, Inna ; Vuychenko, Marina ; Gomeniuk, Maryna ; Mazur, Yurii ; Haidai, Oksana ; Хоменко, Інна ; Гоменюк, Марина Олександрівна ; Вуйченко, Марина Анатоліївна ; Мазур, Юрій Павлович ; Гайдай, Оксана ВасилівнаThe world ecological problem of waste accumulation, environmental pollution and the need to develop a circular economy are described. The aim of the article is to show the advantage of using a circular economy in the management of the national economy. It is substantiated that resource management should radically change from a linear model of accept-use-dispose to a more stable, circular model. It is proved that the principles of circular economy are not based on the management of material and waste flows, but on more valuable methods, such as maintenance, recycling and reuse. Different models of circular economy and their shortcomings are considered. Based on practical world experience in implementing the concept of circular economy, 5 main circular business models are identified. It has been established that circular supply chains that minimize waste and seek to reuse, repair and recycle where waste cannot be prevented should be more sustainable than the linear systems they replace. It was found that in the absence of effective resource management, the current environmental situation will lead to fatal consequences, which confirms the need for public administration to ensure the use of a circular economy.
МатеріалImprovement of the technology of garden strawberry jam in combi-nation with apple puree(Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise -Technologies, 2019) Zamorska I, Zamorskyi V., Halahur Y, Osyka V., Belinska S, Motuzka I, Bozhko T, Krasulya O, Fil M.Джем суничний – найбільш попу- лярний та цінний продукт перероб- ки з ягід суниці, технологія виробни- цтва якого передбачає використання пектинового розчину задля формуван- ня необхідної драглеподібної консистен- ції, що, в свою чергу, супроводжуєть- ся збільшенням виробничих витрат і утрудненням процесу виробництва. Для вирішення проблеми запропоновано технологію виробництва джему сунич- ного із ягід суниці садової, із заміною розчину пектину на пюре яблучне в кіль- кості 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 % від маси ягід з наступним уварюванням до вмісту сухих розчинних речовин не менше 62 %, фасуванням у скляну тару місткістю 250 см3, герметизацією, сте- рилізуванням та зберіганням за тем- ператури 20±1 °С. Повторність дослі- ду трикратна. Джеми досліджено на вміст сухих розчинних речовин, цукрів, органічних кислот, аскорбінової кисло- ти. Органолептичні показники якості джему оцінювали за 5-баловою шкалою. Результати проаналізовано за допомо- гою критерію Тьюки на рівні значимості 5 % (p≤0.05). Встановлено, що за вмістом сухих розчинних речовин джеми відповіда- ють вимогам ДСТУ 4900, масова част- ка яких має бути не нижчою 62 %, цук-рів – 56,2–57,2 %, титрованих кис- лот – 0,6–0,8 %, аскорбінової кисло- ти – 30,0 до 38,7 мг/100 г за її збереже- ності на рівні 47,7–55,5 %. Дослідження органолептичних показників якості показали, що додавання пюре яблучного в розмірі 20 % і вище призводило до під- вищення оцінки консистенції джему, що зумовлено утворенням необхідної драг- леподібної консистенції. Однак дода- вання пюре понад 25 % зумовлювало зниження загальної оцінки за рахунок погіршення зовнішнього вигляду джемів. Доведено, що для отримання оптималь- них драглеподібних характеристик джему суничного слід додавати 25 % пюре яблучного
МатеріалImprovement of the technology of garden strawberry jam in combi-nation with apple puree(Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise -Technologies, 2019) Zamorska I, Zamorskyi V., Halahur Y, Osyka V., Belinska S, Motuzka I, Bozhko T, Krasulya O, Fil M.Джем суничний – найбільш популярний та цінний продукт переробки з ягід суниці, технологія виробництва якого передбачає використання пектинового розчину задля формування необхідної драглеподібної консистенції, що, в свою чергу, супроводжується збільшенням виробничих витрат і утрудненням процесу виробництва. Для вирішення проблеми запропоновано технологію виробництва джему суничного із ягід суниці садової, із заміною розчину пектину на пюре яблучне в кількості 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 % від маси ягід з наступним уварюванням до вмісту сухих розчинних речовин не менше 62 %, фасуванням у скляну тару місткістю 250 см3, герметизацією, стерилізуванням та зберіганням за температури 20±1 °С. Повторність досліду трикратна. Джеми досліджено на вміст сухих розчинних речовин, цукрів, органічних кислот, аскорбінової кислоти. Органолептичні показники якості джему оцінювали за 5-баловою шкалою. Результати проаналізовано за допомогою критерію Тьюки на рівні значимості 5 % (p≤0.05). Встановлено, що за вмістом сухих розчинних речовин джеми відповідають вимогам ДСТУ 4900, масова част- ка яких має бути не нижчою 62 %, цукрів – 56,2–57,2 %, титрованих кислот – 0,6–0,8 %, аскорбінової кислоти – 30,0 до 38,7 мг/100 г за її збереженості на рівні 47,7–55,5 %. Дослідження органолептичних показників якості показали, що додавання пюре яблучного в розмірі 20 % і вище призводило до під- вищення оцінки консистенції джему, що зумовлено утворенням необхідної драглеподібної консистенції. Однак дода- вання пюре понад 25 % зумовлювало зниження загальної оцінки за рахунок погіршення зовнішнього вигляду джемів. Доведено, що для отримання оптимальних драглеподібних характеристик джему суничного слід додавати 25 % пюре яблучного
МатеріалINNOVATION DEVELOPMENT AND MIGRATION: PANEL DATA APPROACH(Маркетинг і Менеджмент інновацій, 2021-01) Альошкіна, Людмила ПетрівнаThe intellectual capital is a catalysator of the country’s economic growth. The developed countries try to develop attractive conditions for highly qualified migrants to diffuse the knowledge and innovations. The authors provided the bibliometric analysis of the papers, which focused on the analysis of the migrant issues was done.
МатеріалINVESTMENT SECURITY OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF UKRAINE’S AGRICULTURAL SECTOR DEVELOPMENT(University of ASVM, 2023) Inna NOVAK, Anastasiia MOVCHANIUK, Nina PITEL, Lesia KUCHER, Ivanna CHUKINA, Iryna KOVALENKO-CHUKINAThe current situation of the Ukrainian economy’s agricultural sector and investment processes associated to its development, as well as the essential organizational measures aimed at assuring the long-term economic impact of the state economy’s agrarian sector development, have been studied. The study is divided into three sections that provide the theoretical foundation of the concept of “investment”; analysis of the development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine, its role in the national economy with the determination of trends in the export potential of agricultural production; analysis of the capital investments volumes in the agricultural sector by their production directions and types of assets. Correlation and regression analysis has been applied in order to assess the influence of the actual amount of capital investment during 2010–2021 in the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy on the effectiveness of agricultural production, which is evaluated by the indicator of the gross added value amount of the agrarian sector. It has been established that the investment policy of Ukraine’s agrarian sector is currently not an effective driver of the economic processes development in the agrarian industry. Due to this, the results of the activities of business entities are inefficient, which is caused, first of all, by the lack of financial and material resources, the disparity of prices and other organizational, economic and institutional factors. The importance of ensuring the competitiveness of agricultural production through the activation of investment support aimed at updating the organization of technological processes of production, the introduction of scientifically based norms of economic activity, and the systematization of the organizational and management system is highlighted.
МатеріалManaging Logistic System of an Enterprise in the Context of Conducting International Business Transactions(UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science,Serbia, 2019-08) Пітель, Ніна Якимівна ; Альошкіна, Людмила Петрівна ; Вернюк, Наталія Олександрівна ; Новак, Інна Миколаївна ; Смолій, ЛюдмилаThis paper substantiates that in terms of the international business, management regarding the logistics system within the enterprise requires an integrated approach and coordination of potential capabilities of the business entity, a clear balance and interconnection of logistics flows in the field of production, procurement, warehousing, transportation and marketing. The scientific novelty of the conducted research includes substantiate feasibility of creating a strategy for managing logistics processes within an enterprise-entity of foreign economic activity, which is based on its foreign trade orientation. Such logistic system will contribute to the formation of the economic potential of within the enterprise and, increase the capital profitability. Furthermore, it will be the source of its competitive advantages and a means of increasing market value and profitability.
МатеріалMechanisms and tools of personnel management in institutional economics(International Conference on Data Analysis and Management (ICDAM-2022)., 2022-06-23) Nadiia P. Reznik,Oleksandr V. Hridin,IvannaV. Chukina,Oleksiy O. Krasnorutskyy,Mykola V. Mykhaylichenko
МатеріалModeling the interaction between environment and the economy considering the impact on ecosystem(E3S Web of Conferences, 2020) Koval, V., Mikhno, I., Trokhymets, O., Kustrich, L., Vdovenko, N.
МатеріалModeling the interaction between environment and the economy considering the impact on ecosystem.(E3S Web of Conferences, 2020) Koval, V., Mikhno, I., Trokhymets, O., Kustrich, L., Vdovenko, N.
МатеріалMODELING THE LABOR MARKET STABILITY IN CONDITIONS OF UNCERTAINTY AS A COMPONENT OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT(https://link.springer.com/conference/icbt, 2021) Кустріч, Лілія Олександрівна ; Транченко, Людмила Володимирівна
МатеріалOснoвні аспекти бюджетування та принципи йoгo побудови на підприємствах як технології ефективного менеджменту(Інвестиції: практика та досвід, 2023) Кустріч Лілія Олександрівна ; Банар Оксана Василівна