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Матеріал1-МЦП і функціональні пошкодження плодів("Есе", 2011) Мельник, Ігор Олександрович ; Мельник, Олександр Васильовичвплив 1-МЦП на розвиток функціональних пошкоджень плодів
Матеріал158. Мамчур Т.В. Ботанічні(Умань: ВПЦ «Візаві», 2024) Мамчур Тетяна
МатеріалA study of apple rootstocks in intensive orchards(Warsaw–Ursynow, Poland, 1999-08-21) Мельник, Олександр Васильович ; Гончарук, Володимир Якович ; Цирта, Володимир Семенович ; Осадчий, Володимир ОлександровичПредставлені результати вивчення підщеп яблуні в інтенсивних садах
МатеріалAgrobiological characteristics of spelt wheat and intermediate wheatgrass in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine(Melitopol, 2020) Karpenko, V.P. ; Poltoretskyi, S.P. ; Liubych, V.V.Estimation of spelt wheat and the species of intermediate wheatgrass by the main agrobiological indicators (calendar dates of the beginning of the main phases of plant development, plant height dynamics, dry mass accumulation, grain yield and protein content) compared to soft wheat was done. The index of stability of grain yield formation was determined. It was found that the main phases of development in spelt wheat occurred on average 10-15 days later than in soft wheat. Plants of intermediate wheatgrass in the first year of cultivation had slower growth. The main phases of development in plants of intermediate wheatgrass of the second and third year of growth occurred almost in the same time with soft wheat. It was established that spelt wheat and intermediate wheatgrass were significantly superior to soft wheat in plant height. In the earing phase, the height of these plants was on average more than 100 cm, which had to be taken into account when growing these crops. It varied from 25 to 42 cm in spelt wheat and from 29 cm to 57 cm in intermediate wheatgrass during the stem elongation phase depending on the weather conditions of the research year. This indicator ranged from 107 cm to 113 cm and from 96 cm to 117 cm, respectively, in the earing phase, and from 137 to 168 cm and from 107 cm to 196 cm in the phase of milk ripeness of grain. Plants of spelt wheat and intermediate wheatgrass had a high stability index of the formation of dry matter and grain yield. It should be noted that intermediate wheatgrass formed a significant vegetative mass even in the earing phase. The vegetative mass in spelt wheat was formed during the earing period - full ripeness of grain. These crops (spelt wheat - 22.1 +/- 0.4, intermediate wheatgrass - 22.4-24.6 +/- 0.2-0.5) were significantly superior to soft wheat (12.1 +/- 0.5) by the content of protein in grain, so it was recommended to involve them in the selection programs to create species with high productivity. However, spelt wheat (5.58 +/- 0.13) was less and intermediate wheatgrass (0.98-1.22 +/- 0.14-0.18) was the most inferior to soft wheat (8.03 +/- 0.27) in terms of grain yield.
МатеріалANATOMIC CHANGES IN THE EPIDERMIS STRUCTURE OF THE LEAF APPARATUS AS AN INDICATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF PHYSIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES ON THE PLANT BODY( 2011) Karpenko, Victor P.Thus anatomical changes in the epidermis structure of the leaf apparatus under the application of phisiologically active substances is a direct reflection of the level of the preparations influence on metabolic processes in plants and may serve for disclosing of mode of action of investigated preparation on the plant body at different stages of its growth. Встановлено, шо анатомічні зміни в структурі епідермісу листкового апарату за використання фізіологічно активних речовин є прямим відображенням ступеня впливу препаратів на обмінні процеси в рослинах і можуть слугувати розкриттю механізмів дії досліджуваних препаратів на рослинний організм на різних стадіях росту і розвитку.
МатеріалAnatomical changes in the epidermis of winter pea stipules and their area under usage of herbicide, stimulator of plant growth and microbial preparation.(Vali Press, 2021) Karpenko, V. ; Boiko, Y ; Prytulіak, R. ; Datsenko, A. ; Shutko, S. ; Novikova, T.The use and search for new methods and ways to reduce negative herbicidal effect on crops is a key factor in increasing the level of yield and quality in modern agricultural conditions, including cultivation of crops such as winter peas. One of the factors that reflects the depth of the effect of herbicides on the plant organism may be the anatomical structure of the leaf, thus, the aim of the research was to study the characteristics of epidermis and size of stipules of winter peas with the complex use of stimulator of plant growth and microbial preparation in herbicide cultivation technology.
МатеріалAssesment of holland-type apple orchard in various parts of Ukraine( 1998) Мельник, Олександр Васильович ; Гончарук, Володимир Петрович ; Цирта, Володимир Семенович ; Шемякін, Михайло Васильович ; Пермякова, Світлана Юріївна ; Нагорний, Руслан ВолодимировичAssesment of holland-type apple orchard in various parts of Ukraine
МатеріалBacterial blight of viburnum (Pseudomonas syringae pv. viburnum): Biological features, causes, and consequences of manifestation, methods of control in the system of decorative and fruit gardening(Polissia National University, 2023) Yakovenko R. ; Moskalets T. ; Pеlеkhаta N. ; Svitelskyi M. ; Verheles P.Viburnum bacterial blight weakens the growth of Viburnum trees (bushes) and inhibits the physiological processes caused by the Pseudomonas syringae pv. viburni bacterium which survives in the affected stem tissue, plant remains, and soil. The purpose of the study was to examine the bioecological features of the manifestation of Pseudomonas syringae pv. viburni and development of measures to control bacterial leaf spotting in viburnum gardens. During the experiment, diagnostic methods were used to select plant leaves, identify, record, and analyse the affected leaves of viburnum plants by the Pseudomonas syringae pv. viburni bacterium. A method to avoid or reduce the risk of bacterial blights was developed. It was determined that various approaches can be used to prevent bacterial diseases in plants of the Viburnum L. genus, such as selecting more disease-resistant varieties, collecting and destroying fallen leaves and branches after pruning, and following agricultural techniques and gardening practices. For chemical control, copper-based bactericidal preparations, such as copper hydroxide or copper sulfate can be used, which are recommended for use in autumn and spring before budding. Performing these actions will help to prevent the manifestation of bacterial diseases in plants. It is proved that in the conditions of the Northern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine in the system of fruit gardening, it is advisable to grow high- and medium-resistant genotypes of Viburnum vulgaris of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine against bacterial leaf spotting. The practical value of the study lies in the fact that information about bacterial blight or bacterial spotting of viburnum leaves was expanded; it was proved that various species of the Viburnum L. genus differ in their susceptibility to Pseudomonas syringae pv. viburni bacterial damage; it is confirmed that the susceptibility of viburnum plants to this disease can be substantially reduced due to low-susceptible and resistant varieties and species of the Viburnum L. genus and timely technical and chemical measures
МатеріалBiodiversity and landscape diversity as indicators of sustainable development(E3S Web of Conferences 255, 2021) Sonko, Serhiy ; Maksymenko, Nadiya ; Vasylenko, Olha ; Chornomorets, Viktoriia ; Koval, IrynaThe main purpose of the article is to substantiate the restrictive content of a sustainable development concept and to show how it is implemented in the theoretical foundations of the agriculture. Today, the initial restrictive content of the concept has changed beyond recognition in a continued large-scale consumption of natural resources. Consequently, the very concept of sustainability requires clarification. It is necessary to look for its signs in natural ecosystems, where the main indicator is life itself, maintained by the biosphere in a state of stable dynamic equilibrium. Introducing monoculture, people deliberately impoverish biodiversity in agroecosystems, by transforming natural into agro-landscapes. Adaptive technologies could be the means to achieve a stable balance. In that case, the mechanisms of matter-energy metabolism in agroecosystems will be closer to the biosphere. The article lays out a set of measures through which the use of nature can be closer to general scientific ideas of sustainability.
МатеріалBiodiversity and landscape diversity as indicators of sustainable development((ISCMEE 2021). Odesa, Ukraine, 2021-04-16) Sergiy Sonko ; Nadiya Maksymenko ; Olha Vasylenko ; Viktoriia ChornomoretsThe main purpose of the article is to substantiate the restrictive content of a sustainable development concept and to show how it is implemented in the theoretical foundations of the agriculture. Today, the initial restrictive content of the concept has changed beyond recognition in a continued large-scale consumption of natural resources. Consequently, the very concept of sustainability requires clarification. It is necessary to look for its signs in natural ecosystems, where the main indicator is life itself, maintained by the biosphere in a state of stable dynamic equilibrium. Introducing monoculture, people deliberately impoverish biodiversity in agroecosystems, by transforming natural into agro-landscapes. Adaptive technologies could be the means to achieve a stable balance. In that case, the mechanisms of matter-energy metabolism in agroecosystems will be closer to the biosphere. The article lays out a set of measures through which the use of nature can be closer to general scientific ideas of sustainability.
МатеріалBlack currant productivity formation as affected by the com-ponents of cultivation technology.(Plant Archives, 2021-03-19) Lozinska A. S. ; Polunina O. V. ; Sharapaniuk O. S. ; Chaploutskyi A. M. ; Melnyk Y. V. ; Zabolotniy O. I. ; Cherneha A. O ; Voitovska V. I. ; Liubych V. V.Studied in the experiment were the following components of cultivation technology for black currant: maintaining the soil between rows as black fallow or grassed; maintaining the rows as black fallow, mulched with straw or covered with polyethylene mulch film; foliar dressing in the budding stage with liquid suspended organic fertiliser Riverm at the concentrations of 1, 3 or 5% against the background of complete mineral fertiliser N60P90K90. According to the results of the research, it was found that the best growth and development of black currant plants was for maintaining the soil between rows as black fallow and maintaining the rows mulched with straw. Such practices activate the soil microbiota and facilitate the availability of nutrients to plants. Mulching with straw effectively protects against weeds, prevents damage to plants by tillage tools, and does not prevent rainfall from entering the soil. Accordingly, the best indicators of the maximum number of bunches of black currant (604) fruit number per bush (1315) were obtained in the treatment with maintaining the rows as black fallow and the use of fertiliser N 60P90 K90 (background) + Riverm 5 %. However, the highest fruit weight (1.66−1.74 g) was obtained in the treatment with maintaining the soil between rows as black fallow, the use of fertiliser background N60Р90K90 + Riverm 3 % or Riverm 5 %. In general, the use of mineral fertilisers along with foliar dressing using Riverm increased the fruit yield in the treatment with N60P90K90 + Riverm 3 % under maintaining the rows as black fallow and mulching the rows using the straw up to 13.44 t/ ha; for the use of Riverm 5 %, the fruit yield was 13.28 t/ha.
МатеріалCharacterization of amino acid content of grain of new wheat varieties and lines.(Київ, 2018) Hospodarenko, H. M. ; Karpenko, V. P. ; Liubych, V. V. ; Novikov, V. V.Aim. To determine the formation of bound amino acids in grain of new wheat varieties and its biological value. Methods. Field, physical-chemical, computational, analysis. Results. The differences in amino acid composition of new varieties and lines of wheat were analyzed. It was established that the highest content of essential amino acids was in the grain of the Kulundynka variety (5.18 %) or 2.5 times higher compared to the standard (2.99 %). Their content in the grain of soft wheat, obtained by the hybridization of Triticum aestivum L./Triticum spelta L., was 1.4–1.5 times higher compared to the control. The grain of the soft variety Kulundynka had the highest biological value as the score of essential amino acids was not de cient and the remaining varieties were de cient in 2–5 amino acids. Only methionine was de cient in the grain of soft wheat lines (AAS = 64– 74 %). Conclusions. The content of amino acids in soft wheat grain depends considerably on weather conditions, selective-genetic origin of the variety and the line. Glutamic acid, proline, and leucine were found to be most abundant. Out of nine samples of soft wheat tested, only the seed of the Kulundynka variety had a nonde cient amino acid score (91–298 %), and in the Pannonikus variety methionine was limited (49 %). The best balanced content of amino acids is present in the grain of non-spelt lines, obtained by hybridization of Triticum aestivum L. and Triticum spelta L., namely 7 and LPP 1314. The grain of these lines has a non-de cient amino acid score, more methionine (AAS = 64–74 %), and supplies human daily requirement in the best way. The grain has a high index of complex estimation and metabolization coef cient for essential amino acids.
МатеріалCombined application of microbial preparation, mineral fertilizer and bioadhesive in production of leek(Estonian Agricultural University, 2020) Karpenko, V. ; Slobodyanyk, G. ; Ulianych, O.The research deals with additional fertilizing of leek cultivars Goliath and Tango with bacterial preparation Organic-balance and mineral fertilizer DripFert N20P20K20 combination with adhesive agent of a natural origin Liposam. Field research was performed on the experimental plots of the Department of Vegetable Growing of Uman National University of Horticulture. The research focused on microbiological processes and formation of productivity in the leek crops depending on the combination of preparations. It has been established that the number of bacteria Azotobacter in the rhizosphere of leek increased 2.8 times after a four-time fertilizing with bacterial preparation Organic-balance and bioadhesive Liposam during vegetation. The maximum number of bacteria, including Azotobacter, in the rhizosphere of leek, was recorded after a four-time fertilization with DripFert N20P20K20-balance and Liposam. The share of influence of additional fertilization on the microbiota of the rhizosphere made up 77 97%. Leek cultivar Tango produced a larger assimilative leaf surface. Depending on the fertilizing the maximum leaf surface and photosynthetic potential of leek cultivars Tango and Goliath were recorded under combination of Organic-balance + DripFert N20P20K20 + Liposam. The yielding capacity of variety Goliath was better than that one of the variety Tango regardless of fertilizing. To make the growing technology of leek more environmental friendly it is advisable to introduce in the growing technology bacterial preparation Organic-balance together with Liposam. Utilization of these preparations improves crop yield, which makes up 0.6 0.7 t ha-1 for variety Goliath and 1.1 2.7 t ha-1 for variety Tango correspondingly. The investigated leek varieties had the maximum yields under combined application of Organic-balance + Liposam with fertilizer DripFert N20P20K20 24% higher than provided by plants grown without fertilization.
МатеріалComprehensive assessment of productivity interrelations and indicators of quality of millet seeds(Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2017) Karpenko, Victor ; Poltoretskyi, Sergii ; Mostoviak, Ivan ; Berezovsky, AndriyThe aim of the study was to determine optimal conditions for harvesting millet seeds in Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine that would provide maximum yield of high-quality seeds. Implementation of this goal was done by determining and analyzing of multifactor relationships of forming high-yielding seed sowing of millet, by optimizing ways of its mowing and threshing and conditions that would ensure improvement of sowing qualities and yielding properties of seeds using the method of correlation pleiades. The two-factor field experiment involved the following grading factors: A (seed ripeness degree in panicle) 25–30%, 45–50, 65–70 (control) and 85–90% of seeds reached the full maturity phase; B (duration of softening rolls) direct harvesting and in three, six (control) and nine days after mowing. The sowing quality of seeds formed on mother plants was tested in laboratory conditions in autumn of the harvest year and sowing next year (the first seed progeny) with threshing by occurrence of 65–70% of seed maturity in panicle. As a result of the research it was found: 1. Between yield of maternal plants and millet plants of the first seed offspring there is a direct correlation of medium strength. 2. Between yield of maternal plants and laboratory and technological indicators of seed quality there are strong correlations that are associated with it through the integrated quality indicator of seed material and millet output. 3. The integrated quality indicator and separately each of the studied laboratory parameters of seed material quality on high level influence the formation of grain yield of plants of the first seed offspring.
МатеріалCONCEPT OF ENVIRONMENTALLY PROTECTIVE FARMING FOR THE FOREST-STEPPE ZONE*(ХНУ ім.В.Н.Каразіна, 2018) Сонько, Сергій Петрович ; Максименко, Надія Василівна ; Пересадько, Віліна Анатоліївна ; Василенко, Ольга Володимирівна ; Суханова, Ірина Прохорівна ; Нікітіна, Ольга ВолодимирівнаTaking into account that agriculture is the branch that is the closest to natural landscapes on the type of material-energy relations, the main task of agroecology is search of management forms (specialization) that would not exceed the natural capacity of a specific territory. The best management of the nature use on the agro-landscape level can be implemented only in case of complete certainty of the land property, as well as in the presence of small areas from farmers that would correspond to the grassroots levels of the landscape structure. It is under this condition that the farmer can be taken care of with the support of the natural fertility of the land. In addition, the determined ownership of land (and not lease) will force the peasant to form specialization in order to work as self-sustaining as possible. Under such conditions, the revival of domestic livestock, as a guarantee of the maintenance of natural fertility of soils - just a matter of time. The Author's Concept, which is adapted to the conditions of the UA forest-steppe area, consists of serial blocks of research: "Ecological monitoring of agro-landscape components "; "Ecological conversion of agro-landscapes"; "Landscape-ecological planning". The main goal of this Concept is not to focus on large agroholdings, but on farmer farmers. The experience of conducting an industrial typology of agriculture in the regions of the UA forest-steppe zone suggests that modern specialization is not only far from optimal, in terms of compliance with natural conditions, but also in many cases devastating to soils. Therefore, the assessment of the environmental impact of each type of agriculture, first in the forest-steppe, and, subsequently, throughout the territory of Ukraine, can be analogous to the modern "electronic declaration" and will help to develop a strategy for environmentally sound management of agriculture. The developed technological methods of ecological conversion (vermiculture, biodynamics, etc.) are adapted to the conditions of the forest-steppe of Ukraine, and will help owners of peasant and farm enterprises to implement this strategy in practice.
МатеріалContent of malondialdehyde and activity of enzyme glutathione- S-transferase in the leaves of emmer wheat under the action of herbicide and plant growth regulator(Agronomy Research, 2019) Karpenko, V. ; Pavlyshyn, S. ; Prytulіak, R. ; Naherniuk, D.The article presents the results of vegetation experiment on the influence of different rates of herbicide Prima Forte 195 – 2-ethylhexyl ether 2.4-D + aminopyralid + florasulam (0.5; 0.6 and 0.7 L ha-1) under different application methods of plant growth regulator of a natural origin Wuxal BIO Vita (Ascophyllum nodosum extract + microelements) on the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) as an important indicator of the intensity of peroxide oxidation of lipids in plants and on the activity of enzyme glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in the leaves of emmer wheat. Experimental scheme included 16 experimental variants: 1 – without application of preparations and pre-sowing treatment of seeds (control); 2, 3, 4 – Prima Forte 195, applied to vegetative plants at the rates 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 L ha-1; 5 – Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L ha-1, applied to vegetative plants; 6, 7, 8 – Prima Forte 195 at the rates of 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 L ha-1 in tank mixtures with Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L ha-1, sprayed on vegetative plants; 9 – pre-sowing treatment of seeds with Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L t-1 (background); 10, 11, 12 – Prima forte 195, applied to vegetative plants at the rates of 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 L ha-1 at the background of pre-sowing treatment of seeds with Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L t-1; 13 – Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L ha-1 (applied to vegetative plants, treated before sowing with Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L t-1); 14, 15, 16 – Prima Forte 195 at the rates of 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 L ha-1 respectively, in tank mixture with Wuxal BІО Vita at the rate of 1.0 L ha -1 – spraying of plants and pre-sowing treatment of seeds with Wuxal BІО Vita 1.0 L t-1. It has been found that under the application of Prima Forte 195 the redox state in the leaves of emmer wheat increased considerably in the direction of increasing the content of MDA. It has also been proved that herbicide Prima Forte 195 and its mixtures with plant growth regulator (PGR) Wuxal BIO Vita caused the changes in the activity of enzyme glutathione-S-transferase, which slightly increased in the initial period in the variants of integrated application of herbicide and plant growth regulator. However, later the GST activity in the variants of integrated application of herbicide and PGR decreased, which indicates stabilization and a positive influence of integrated application of preparations on the detoxification processes in the crops of emmer wheat.
МатеріалCover Crop Mixtures in Corn and Wheat on Topographically Variable Terrain.(ASA and CSSA, 2018-11-06) Світовий, ВалерійCover crop mixtures seeded after winter wheat in August had much greater biomass in late fall compared with cover crops inter-seeded in corn in late June. • Competition for light and soil moisture reduced cover crop establishment and growth in corn and resulted in absence of the expected depression>slope~summit biomass gradient, with the exception of tillage radish in the WK treatment. • Cover crop mixtures planted after winter wheat provided good weed suppression. • In drier summer environments (as in Ukraine), inter-seeding of WH and WK cover crops in corn reduced yield in the topographical depressions.
МатеріалCover Crop Mixtures Inter-Seeded in Corn on Contrasting Topographical Positions: Comparing Soil Effects in the US and Ukraine(ASA and CSSA, 2018-11-06) Svitovyi, ValeriiCover crops performed better in more fertile soils of Ukraine as compared to low SOM MI soils. • Greater above- and below-ground biomass in Ukrainian sites was associated with greater soil POM levels. • At topographical depressions in UA sites POM was higher under WK than WH system. • Cover crops interfered with corn and led to lower corn yields in UA sites, likely due to combined effect of low moisture availability and too early cover crop planting.
МатеріалCOVER CROPS IN TECHNOLOGY MAIZE GROWING ON CONTRAST GRAINS TOPOGRAPHIC PROVISIONS: COMPARISONS OF SOILS EFFECTS IN THE US AND UKRAINE(Уманський НУС, 2019-09-05) Світовий, ВалерійThe results of the studies indicate that in most cases the areas of Michigan have a positive influence of cover crops on the increase in corn grain yield regardless of topographic location. For plots located in Cherkasy region, no positive influence of cover crops on corn yield was found. The most likely factor that has led to a decrease in yield is, in our opinion, more arid climatic conditions in Ukraine.
МатеріалCуспільно-географічне дослідження захворюваності населення в старопромислових регіонах (на прикладі Кривбасу)(ПВНЗ «Донецький інститут соціальної освіти», 2012) Сонько, Сергій Петрович ; Шиян, Дарья ВалеріївнаThe modern directs of society-geographical study of population morbidity are investigated in the article. Methodical and theoretical approaches to study of population morbidity on the small spatial level are proposed. The priority of society geography in research to ecologically dependent illnesses in the old industry regions is accented.