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МатеріалA device for lifting liquid(Primedia eLaunch & European Scientific Platform, 2023-05-26) Kepko O.I.A liquid-lifting device refers to units that are used to lift water and other liquids from reservoirs or wells to the required height.
МатеріалAbility to reduce the formula of sterilization(CPN Publishing Group, 2019-11-27) Fedorov, V.G. ; Кепко, О.І. ; Кепко, V.M.They showed the possibility of reducing the first and third parts of the sterilization formula with a slight increase of the second part of the sterilization formula. For this purpose, the actual heat resistance of the glass cans SKO-83-1 and SKO-83-2 was investigated. To maintain the standard conditions of immersion of the cans (20oC - 5 min .; 100oC - 5 min; 60oC - 2 min.) Thermostats with automatic maintenance of the set temperature were used. Показали можливість зменшення першої та третьої частини формули стерилізації із незначним збільшенням другої частини формули стерилізації. Для цього було досліджено фактичну термостійкість скляних банок СКО-83-1 та СКО-83-2. Для підтримування стандартних умов занурення банок (20оС - 5 хв.; 100оС - 5 хв.; 60оС - 2 хв.) використовували термостати з автоматичною підтримкою заданої температури
МатеріалAgrochemical component of soft winter wheat cultivation technology(Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2021) Liubych, V. V. ; Hospodarenko, H. M. ; Polianetska, I. O.The book provides a scientific substantiation and general formation patterns of formation of wheat grain quality depending on abiotic and biotic factors, selection and genetic characteristics of the variety and weather conditions. The peculiarities of productivity formation of different-ripening varieties of soft winter wheat depending on the fertilizer system in the field crop rotation are highlighted.
МатеріалAgrochemical component of soft winter wheat cultivation technology(Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2021) Liubych, V. V. ; Hospodarenko, H. M. ; Polianetska, I. O.Estimation of spelt wheat and the species of intermediate wheatgrass by the main agrobiological indicators (calendar dates of the beginning of the main phases of plant development, plant height dynamics, dry mass accumulation, grain yield and protein content) compared to soft wheat was done. The index of stability of grain yield formation was determined. The publication of scientists of Uman National University of Horticulture includes works in the field of studying the quality of grain and grain products of cereals. This book will be useful to crop breeders working on new varieties of wheat, agronomists growing this important food crop, bread industry specialists, scientific and teaching staff, postgraduates and students of agricultural specialties and experts.
МатеріалAlmost geodesic mappings of affinely connected spaces that preserve the Riemannian curvature(Líceum University Press, 2015) Березовський, Володимир Євгенійович ; Berezovskii, V. E.In the present paper the authors give some conditions preserved Riemannian curvature tensor with respect to almost geodesic mappings of affinely connected spaces. It is noteworthy that these conditions are valid for other types of mappings. For the almost geodesic mappings of first type, when the Riemannian curvature tensor is invariant, the authors deduce a differential equations system of Cauchy type. In addition the authors investigate almost geodesic mappings of first type, where the Weyl tensor of projective curvature is invariant and Riemannian tensor is not invariant.
МатеріалAlmost geodesic mappings of first type on spaces with affine connection onto symmetric spaces(Kharkiv Mathematical Society, 2016) Березовський, Володимир Євгенійович ; Berezovsky, V.E.
МатеріалAlmost geodesic mappings of spaces with affine connection(Springer US, 2015) Березовський, Володимир Євгенійович ; Berezovskii, V. E.This paper is devoted to the further development of the theory of almost geodesic mappings of spaces with affine connection.
МатеріалAlmost geodesic mappings of the fist type onto symmetric spaces(Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2017) Березовський, Володимир ЄвгенійовичThe artscle is devoted to the theory of almost geodesic mappings of the first type onto symmetric spaces. There are found certain necessary and sufficient conditions when a space with affine connection admits a canonical almost geodesic mappings of the first type onto symmetric spaces.
МатеріалAlmost geodesic mappings of the second type of spaces with affine connection onto two-symmetric spaces(Spektrum STU, 2019) Березовський, Володимир Євгенійович ; Лещенко, Світлана Валентинівна ; Ненька, Руслана ВолодимирівнаIn the paper we consider canonical almost geodesic mappings of type _2(e) of spaces with affine connection onto two-symmetric spaces. The main equations for the mappings are obtained as a closed mixed system of PDEs of Cauchy type. We have found the maximum number of essential parameters which the solution of the system depends on.
МатеріалALMOST GEODESIC MAPPINGS OF TYPE pi1 OF SPACES WITH AFFINE CONNECTION(Society of mathematicians and physicists of Montenegro and Department of Mathematics of The University of Montenegro, 2021) Березовський, Володимир ЄвгенійовичWe consider almost geodesic mappings of spaces with affine connections. This mappings are a special case of firsttype almost geodesic mappings. We have found the objects which are invariants of the mappings pi1. The fundamental equations of these mappings are in Cauchy form. We study mappings of constant curvature spaces.
МатеріалAlmost geodesic mappings onto generalized Ricci-symmetric manifolds(College of Nyíregyháza, 2010) Березовський, Володимир Євгенійович ; Berezovskii, V. E.Our aim is to continue investigations concerning existence of almost geodesic mappings of manifolds with linear connection. We deduce necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of the so-called canonical almost geodesic mappings of type π of a manifold endowed with a linear connection onto generalized Ricci-symmetric manifolds. Our result is a generalization of some previous results by N. S. Sinyukov.
МатеріалAlternative Types of Fuel for Grain Drying(Springer, 2019) Осокіна, Ніна Максимівна ; Ткаченко, Геннадій Володимирович ; Євчук, Яна Валеріївна ; Григоренко, Олена ВіталіївнаWays to use alternative types of fuel for grain drying and quality requirements for fuel chips were presented in the article. The most widespread types alternative types of fuel are organic waste from cultivation and processing of agricultural crops (straw, grain cleaning waste, sunflower husk), as well as wood (logs, wood shaving, fuel chips, granules). Technical-and-economic grounds, technological scheme and working projects of a heat generator for combustion of fuel chips, pellets and a small amount of waste after wood processing industry (with knots and nails that cannot be crushed to chips) were developed. Constructive features, operating modes and comparative technical-and-economic indexes of log splitters and chopping machines for receiving fuel chips were showed. Influence of raw material on the geometric sizes of fuel chips was studied. It was established that actual maximum diameter of wood for both machines was lower than in the passport because there was wood of non-rectilinear form for combustion, with a large number of branches of fibrous structure. Fuel chips with a length of more than 100mm can cause an emergency stop of a screw conveyor. Output of a large fraction under processing of raw materials in the length of 1 m is higher than 2 m by 60 ... 100%.
МатеріалAnalysis of economic efficiency of using different fuel types in individual heating systems(Мелітопольська типографія «Люкс», 2018) Kepko, O.I. ; Kepko, V.M. ; Pushka, O.S.The basis of traditional methods for comparing the efficiency of using different types of energy sources is normative coefficients of capital investments and payback period, which became non urgent in our time under unstable price policy. Therefore, the need for short-term forecasting of efficient use of energy sources is topical. At present, many individuals and legal persons, while solving the problem of choosing the energy source for heating social and industrial facilities, provide different types of heating equipment before building, that is, they install several boiler units with different types of fuel, or machines that allow using of several fuel types. The efficiency of using different types of energy sources depending on consumption volume and time of day, fuel price and transportation costs on the basis of a comparative analysis of the cost of using energy sources depending on their energy capacity was analyzed in the article. Основою традиційних методик порівняння ефективності використання різних видів енергоносіїв є нормативні коефіцієнти ефективності капіталовкладень та терміну окупності, які в наш час, при нестабільній ціновій політиці стали не актуальними. Тому актуальною є необхідність короткострокового прогнозування ефективного використання енергоносіїв. На даний час чимало фізичних та юридичних осіб при вирішенні проблеми вибору енергоносія для опалення соціальних та виробничих об’єктів передбачають при будівництві різні види опалювального обладнання, тобто встановлюють декілька котельних агрегатів на різних видах палива, або агрегати, які дозволяють використовувати кілька видів палива. В статті проводиться аналіз ефективності використання різних видів енергоносіїв в залежності від об’ємів їх споживання та часу доби, ціни на паливо та витрат на його транспортування на основі порівняльного аналізу вартості використання енергоносіїв в залежності від їх енергомісткості.
МатеріалAnalysis of innovative development of Ukrainian enterprises in the context of European innovative development(VUZF University, 2020) Бурляй, Аліна Павлівна ; Бурляй, Олександр Леонідович ; Ковальов, Леонід ЄвгенійовичThis article is devoted to the study of the level of innovative development of Ukraine in comparison with the level of innovative development of European countries. The main problems of innovative development of the country are considered and the factors influencing this process are analyzed. The essence of the concept of “innovation” is studied and the characteristic features inherent in them are highlighted. The own definition of innovative development of enterprises is formulated. The weaknesses and strengths of Ukraineʼs innovation development were assessed in terms of the parameters of the global innovation index using SWOT-analysis.
МатеріалApplication of electromagnetic field to produce flattened cereals from spelt wheat grains(Trends and directions of development of scientific approaches and prospects of integration of Internet technologies into society. Abstracts of VI International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2021) Liubych V., Oliinyk O.
МатеріалApproximation of the Dependence of the Radius of the Atomic Nucleus on Its Parameters Using a Fuzzy Hybrid Network Model(Springer, 2018) Ковальов, Леонід ЄвгенійовичIn the present investigation, the model of the hybrid network in the form of an adaptive system neuro-fuzzy inference is developed for approximating the dependence of the radius of an atomic nucleus vs. its charge and mass number. With the use of developed model, the radii of 84 nuclides for which experimental data on their sizes were not available were estimated.
МатеріалAscorbic acid in black currant fruits.(Збірник наукових праць Уманського НУС, 2020) Helena, Gerasymchuk ; Nina, Osokina ; Kateryna, Kostetska
МатеріалBaking properties of spelt wheat // Innovative technologies in science and education(Abstracts of IX International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2021) Liubych V.
МатеріалBIOLOGICAL PECULIARITIES OF FORMATION AND CAUSES OF HETEROGENEITY OF MILLET SEEDS(Умань: Видавничо-поліграфічний центр "Візаві", 2021-03) Bilonozhko, V. ; Poltoretskyi, S. ; Yatsenko, A. ; Poltoretska, N. ; Berezovskyi, A.Features of biology and morphology of seeds and millet plants determine the significant heterogeneity of its seed material. Knowledge and understanding of these features, as well as physiological processes occurring in seeds and plants, will optimize conditions of agricultural technology of millet crops. Full seeds have better optimized metabolism and significant reserves provide more vigorous germination. Under unfavorable conditions for longer periods of time, plants developing from such seeds do not have autotrophic feed and in the future ensure not only the maximum yield but also seeds of better quality.
МатеріалBiological value of jam from fruit actinidia(Colloquium-journal, 2023) Kalayda K.