Analysis of legal regulation and liability for the use of drones in various areas, including commercial use and public safety

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Yevheniia Kravtsova, Iryna Udovenko, Mykhailo Shemiakin.
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Denmark, 2024
This topic is relevant in the context of rapid technological advancements and the proliferation of drones across various sectors. The legal regulation and accountability of drone usage is crucial for ensuring safety, protecting personal and public interests, and fostering new opportunities in commercial applications. The aim of this study is to analyse the legal regulations and accountability determinations for drone usage in Ukraine, including commercial use and public safety. The key tasks involve highlighting the relevance of the topic, analysing current legislation, identifying potential gaps and issues, and formulating conclusions regarding the effectiveness of existing legal approaches and possibilities for further improvement. This study analysed the current legislation, identified the types of accountability for violating drone usage rules, and uncovered potential problems and challenges faced by aviation entities and government authorities in Ukraine.
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Бібліографічний опис
Yevheniia Kravtsova, Iryna Udovenko, Mykhailo Shemiakin. Analysis of legal regulation and liability for the use of drones in various areas, including commercial use and public safety. Journal of law ana political sciences (JLPS). Vol. 42 Issue 3-july-2024. Denmark, 2024. 568 p. P. 383-402. ISSN 2518-5551(Web of Science)