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МатеріалDetermining the effect of treating table beet with biopreparations before storage on its preservation.(Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2021) Pusik, L. ; Pusik, V. ; Bondarenko, V. ; Gaevaya, L. ; Lyubymova, N. ; Sukhova, G. ; Slobodyanyk, G.
МатеріалInfluence of form and size of a root on the storage life of kitchen beetroot(EUREKA: Life Sciences., 2021) Pusik, L. ; Pusik, V. ; Bondarenko, V. ; Gaevaya, L. ; Lyubymova, N. ; Sukhova, G. ; Didukh, N. ; Slobodianyk, G.Table beet have a series of high-value parameters: good taste properties, healing-prophylactic importance, ability to longterm storage. There are many sorts of table beet, different by root form. Most widespread are ones of the round and cylindrical forms. At the same time plants of table beet at growing form roots of different masses. The aim of the study was to investigate the storage life of table beet depending on form and root sizes. The conducted studies give a possibility to substantiate scientifically an influence of table beet’ form and sizes on their storage life for determining its term. It has been established, that roots of the round form of the Kharkiv Bordo sort lost moisture more intensively at the expanse of breath and evaporation – 4.4–5.4 %. In the Vital sort with roots of the cylindrical form, mass natural losses were 4.1–5.1 %. At that more natural mass losses were in small roots with mass 150–300 g. Small roots were more inclined to sprouting at storage. Among sprouted roots, 1.6–1.8 % were small ones with mass 150– 300 g. More percent of sprouted roots was for ones with mass 500–700 g as 2.3–2.5 %. At that less percent of sprouted roots was in the Vital sort of the cylindrical form. Small roots with mass 150–300 g were more damaged by rots at storage – 10.4–12.3 %. Among roots of middle sizes, 6.0– 6.8 % were damaged by roots, among big ones – 4.5–4.7 %. It must be also noted, that cylindrical roots of the Vital sort were less damaged by rots at storage than round ones of the Kharkiv Bordo sort. Keywords: table beet, sort, storage, root form, root mass, losses
МатеріалInvestigation of carrot food value depending on sort peculiarities and its change at storage(EUREKA: Life Sciences. 2021, 2021) Pusik, L. ; Pusik, V. ; Bondarenko, V. ; Gaevaya, L. ; Kyruchina, N. ; Slobodyanyk, H. ; Shchetyna, S. ; Shchetyna, M. ; Kononenko, LA food value of carrot roots is determined by a content of such chemical composition components as dry substance, ascorbic acid, carotene and other. The carrot value is also determined by its ability to be stored for a long time. The research aim was to study a food value change of different carrot sorts at storage open in boxes. The research gives an ability to search a carrot sort, suitable for long storage, and also to search arrangements for better preservation of carrot nutritiousness at storage. It has been established, that the dynamics and intensity of losses of the roots’ food value depends on sort peculiarities. Thus, during 7.5 months of storage sorts Daryna, Shantane KL and Nant Kharkiv lost from 0.92 to 4.12 % of dry substance. The content of total sugar decreased by 0.16 and 0.77 % of its initial content in sorts Daryna and Nant Kharkiv, whereas Shantane demonstrated the content increase at the end of storage by 0.29 %. The same tendency was observed also by changes of the content of monosaccharides and saccharose. The content of ascorbic acid and carotene during storage varied from increase to decrease. At the end of storage losses of ascorbic acid and carotene were 1.43–1.93 and 3.42–4.26 mg/100 g respectively. The content of nitrates at the end of storage in Daryna roots remained at the initial level – 202 mg/kg of the humid mass, in Shantane and Nant Kharkiv it decreased by 18 and 26 % respectively. At that it must be noted, that the processes of nutritiousness changes were more intensive in Daryna and Nant Kharkiv roots. In Shantane the carrot roots content changes of chemical composition components were slower