Determining the effect of treating table beet with biopreparations before storage on its preservation. Pusik, L. Pusik, V. Bondarenko, V. Gaevaya, L. Lyubymova, N. Sukhova, G. Slobodyanyk, G. 2021-11-01T08:07:22Z 2021-11-01T08:07:22Z 2021
dc.description Table beet occupies one of the leading positions among vegetables for its taste and medicinal properties. Its roots are stored for a long time and used for various types of processing. Owing to the original set of nutrients and food components, they are necessary food for people of all ages. It is a valuable product for baby and diet food as it contains eas ily digestible polypeptides, essential amino acids, vitamins, many minerals, dietary fiber [1]. Losses of grown beetroots at the stages of sorting, transportation, and storage are large; that significantly reduces the profitability of processing, trade, and catering enterprises. At the same time, the use of conventional storing technologies in compliance with standard storage conditions (relative air humidity and temperature) does not always provide for a sufficiently low amount of losses. Moreover, during transportation, sale in a retail network, or processing at catering establishments, after long-term storage, the losses are quite significant. The losses are due to changes in temperature and relative humidity. Such beetroots are more prone to microbial spoilage. Improving the technology of reducing the losses of beetroots at all stages of bringing them to the consumer is relevant. Currently, in order to reduce losses during storage of plant raw materials, various technologies are used such as regulated gas environment, treatment with chemical reagents, biological preparations. The application of biological drugs can improve the efficiency of processing, take care of product quality preservation, increase the range of controlled phytopathogenic microorganisms, and reduce the risk of resistance development. This is an important tool in the development of new, low-cost, environmentally friendly, and affordable technologies. Therefore, the use of antimicrobial drugs to prolong the period of consumption of fresh produce is relevant uk_UA
dc.identifier.citation Pusik, L., Pusik, V., Bondarenko, V., Gaevaya, L., Lyubymova, N., Sukhova, G., Didukh, N., Slobodyanyk, G. Determining the effect of treating table beet with biopreparations before storage on its preservation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2021. Vol. 2. Issue 11 (110). Р. 23-32. doi: uk_UA
dc.identifier.other UDC 635.36:631.563
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies uk_UA
dc.subject table beet uk_UA
dc.subject sort uk_UA
dc.subject storage uk_UA
dc.subject root form uk_UA
dc.subject root mass uk_UA
dc.subject losses uk_UA
dc.title Determining the effect of treating table beet with biopreparations before storage on its preservation. uk_UA
dc.type Стаття uk_UA
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