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Костюк В.С.
Смолій Л.В.
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Уманський національний університет садівництва
У статті досліджено сучасні причини міжнародної міграції робочої сили та її зв’язок з людським розвитком. Визначено її сутність та еволюцію поглядів на переміщення робочої сили. Встановлено, що сучасна міграція визвана цілим комплексом рушійних сил, сукупністю декількох причин, які залежать від економічних, соціальних, демографічних та політичних факторів. Обґрунтовано, що Україна, яка є країною-донором, причини та наслідки міграції мають свої особливості та свій вплив на людський розвиток. The article investigates the current causes of international labor migration and its connection with human development. The purpose of the study is to summarize the causes of international labor migration, to substantiate the causes and consequences of migration in Ukraine, which have their own characteristics and their impact on human development. The essence of international labor migration and the evolution of views on its movement are determined. It was established that modern migration was called by a whole range of driving forces, a set of several reasons that depend on economic, social, demographic and political factors. It is justified that in Ukraine, which is a donor country, the causes and consequences of migration have their own characteristics and their impact on human development. New conditions for labor migration in the modern world should be considered in terms of the category of human development, which reflects the process of forming a socio-economic environment of human existence, which ensures the freedom of choice to have a decent standard of living, to be healthy, educated, to live in an environmentally friendly environment, safe, with a fair justice system. Economic factors have the greatest impact on Ukrainian migration, and first of all, this is a difference in wage levels, which is 2 times less in Ukraine compared to the EU countries. The refusal of mass return of external labor migrants to Ukraine may indicate a significant change in the motivational factors of external labor migration, when the ratio of level and quality of life in donor countries and recipient countries plays a decisive role. Remittances of migrants have a positive impact on the development of human potential. Additional cash flows to households experiencing the greatest need for them have a significant impact on financing the economic and human development of the country, which consists in overcoming poverty, forming an additional source of public investment, reducing risks during crises, financing infrastructure development.
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Бібліографічний опис
Смолій Л.В., Костюк В.С. Міжнародна міграція робочої сили та її вплив на людський розвиток. Збірник наукових праць УНУС. 2021. Вип. 99. Ч. 2. С. 223-231.