Кафедра агроінженерії
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Перегляд Кафедра агроінженерії по Автор "A. Kuzmych"
Результати на сторінці
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МатеріалDevelopment of operational requirements for self-propelled combine harvesters with the capabilities of mobile energy resources(Eastern-EuropeanJournalofEnterprise Technologies. 2020. Vol. 6. No6 (107), 2020) V. Sheichenko ; A. Kuzmych ; V. Niedoviesov ; M. Aneliak ; O. Bіlovod ; V. Shevchuk ; T. Kutkovetska ; N. ShpilkaThis paper reports a study into the possibility of using the chassis of com-bine-harvesters as a mobile energy device. The operational requirements for mobile energy technological devices for general purposes have been developed. The traction-coupling characteristics of the combine-harvester with an adap-ter that increases traction force have been investigated. The theoretical dependences have been derived of the motion speed, the power on a hook, the specific fuel consumption, as well as a factor of loading the wheels of the driven axle, on the traction force on the hook of an energy-technological device. It is noted that the use of the controlled axle with drive wheels reduces the slippage of the engines of the energy technological device. At the engine slippage level of up to 16 % an energy device, equipped with a driven axle with drive wheels, generates a traction force on the hook of up to 40 kN. Under the conditions of driving the axle by the hydraulic transmission mainline, the motion speed of an energy device decrea-ses by 17.9 %, 28.5 %, 35.9 %, and 49.0 %, respectively, on gears I, II, III, and IV of the drive axle gearbox. The power on the energy device’s hook is increased due to the corresponding increase in traction effort: on gear III, at a trac-tion effort within 35–40 kN, the capacity on the hook is 68–75 kW. Under these condi-tions, the specific fuel consumption is 430– 460 g/kWh at the device’s motion speed within 1.9–1.95 m/s. The limits for changing the load factor on the wheels of the driven axle (not less than 0.2) have been determined, at which the requirements for control over an energy device are met. The specific fuel consumption (540– 580 g/kWh) by a combine-harvester with a throughput capacity of 9–11 kg/s has been established, when using it as an energy technological device for general purposes at a motion speed of 1.7–2.1 m/s and a traction effort on the hook of 24–33 kN Keywords: combine-harvester, energy technological device, operational require-ments, traction-coupling properties, adapter
МатеріалDevelopment of operational requirements for self-propelled combine harvesters with the capabilities of mobile energy resources(Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2020. Vol. 6. No 6 (107), 2020) V. Sheichenko ; A. Kuzmych ; V. Niedoviesov ; M. Aneliak ; O. Bіlovod ; V. Shevchuk ; T. Kutkovetska ; N. ShpilkaThis paper reports a study into the possibility of using the chassis of com-bine-harvesters as a mobile energy device. The operational requirements for mobile energy technological devices for general purposes have been developed.The traction-coupling characteristics of the combine-harvester with an adap-ter that increases traction force have been investigated.
МатеріалStudy of the process of grainpre-threshing by working bodies of a combine harve sterheader(Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies Vol. 6. No 1(90). P. 19–27, 2017) V. Sheychenko ; I. Dudnikov ; A. Kuzmych ; M. Shevchuk ; V. Shevchuk ; A. Pushka ; V. Hruban ; M.Tolstushko ; N.TolstushkoДосліджено технологічний процес обмолоту зернових куль тур пристроєм попереднього обмолоту зерна жниварки зер нозбирального комбайна. Роз роблено експериментальнороз рахунковий метод оцінювання рівня відділення зерна пристроєм. Отримано теоретичну залеж ність коефіцієнта відділення зерна, яка встановлює систем ний взаємозв’язок між пара метрами та режимами функ ціонування пристрою жниварки та зернозбирального комбайна. Експериментально встановлено залежності коефіцієнта відді лення зерна від швидкості руху комбайна