Кафедра української та іноземних мов
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Перегляд Кафедра української та іноземних мов по Автор "Гарбар, Ольга Петрівна"
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МатеріалDevelopment of the tourist sphere in Ukraine: socio-economic aspect.(Editor Khalid S. Soliman. International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), 2020) Кожухівська, Раїса Борисівна ; Чучмій, Ірина Іванівна ; Гарбар, Ольга Петрівна ; Костюк, Майя Володимирівна ; Нечитайло, Вероніка Володимирівна ; Саковська, Олена МиколаївнаThe relevance of studying the main aspects of tourism development in Ukraine is due to the fact that in recent decades tourism has developed significantly and has become a massive socio-economic phenomenon. Its rapid development is facilitated by the expansion of political, economic, scientific and cultural relations between Ukraine and other countries. Therefore, the enquiry of the tourism activities status, the identification of the main functions and factors that affects its development have big importance for the further development of this industry. The purpose of the article is to investigate and analyze the economic status of the tourism industry on the basis of inbound and outbound tourism. Social and economic aspects of development the tourism sphere in Ukraine are outlined and investigated in the article.