Ферментативна активність рослин соризу за використання гербіциду і регулятора росту рослин
Ферментативна активність рослин соризу за використання гербіциду і регулятора росту рослин
Немає доступних мініатюр
Карпенко, Віктор Петрович
Шутко, Сергій Сергійович
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В статье приведены результаты исследований относительно влияния физиологически активных веществ
(гербицида и регулятора роста растений) на прохождение ферментативных процессов в растениях сориза. Установлено,
что внесение гербицида Пик 75 WG в нормах 15-20 г/га в комплексе с регулятором роста растений Регоплант (50 мл/га
- по всходах + 250 мл/т - обработка семян) способствует наибольшему росту активности отдельных ферментов класса
оксидоредуктаз, что может свидетельствовать как об активизации детоксикационных процессов в растениях сориза,
так и физиолого-биохимических, которыми определяется формирования продуктивности посевов.
Sorghum is a relatively new grain crop, which active implementation into crop rotation is limited by a range of
factors including a little-approbated technology of its growing. In connection with it, it is reasonable to substantiate separate
elements of the technology of its growing based on physical-and-biochemical reactions of Sorghum plants under the influence
of physiologically active substances (namely, herbicide and plant growth regulator).
Sorghum plants during vegetation are effected by stress factors of different nature and active forms of oxygen (AFO)
are formed in plant cells in response to them and these forms in turn can provoke increase in the activity of fermentsantioxidants.
Thus such physiologic-and-biochemical reaction of plant organism can serve as one of the ways for revealing
the depth of influence of chemical and biological preparations on physiologic-and-biochemical state of Sorghum plants.
Results of the researches concerning the influence of physiologically active substances (herbicide and plant growth regulator)
on passing of fermentative processes in Sorghum plants are presented in the article. The purpose of the article was to
ascertain the influence of different norms of Peak 75 WG herbicide (10; 15; 20; 25 g/ha) under various methods of use of
Regoplant plant growth regulator (treatment of sowing material (250 ml/t) and crops (50 ml/ha)) on the activity of individual
ferments of oxidoreductase class.
The objects of the research were Sorghum plants (Sorghum orysoidum) of Tytan variety, Peak 75 WG herbicide and Regoplant
plant growth regulator. Laboratory analyzes were carried out in samples of leaves taken according to the development phases
of Sorghum plants. The activity of the ferments of oxidoreductase class: catalase (KF, peroxidase (KF
and polyphenol oxidase (KF was estimated according to the method described by Kh. M. Pochynok.
Researchers have shown that application of Peak 75 WG herbicide in the norms of 15-20 g/ha in combination with Regoplant
plant growth regulator (50 ml/ha - on crops + 250 ml/t - seed treatment) contributed to the greatest increase in the activity of individual ferments of oxidoreductase class. Under these conditions, the activity of certain ferments of oxidoreductase class
in the study of the phase of Sorghum plants development was increased: by 22-49% for catalase, 18-39% for peroxidase
and 45-53% for polyphenol oxidase. This may indicate both about activation of detoxification processes in Sorghum plants,
and physiological-and-biochemical processes, which determines formation of crops productivity.
Ключові слова
антиоксидантні ферменти,
регулятор росту рослин,
herbicide, plant growth regulator, Sorghum, fermentative activity, catalase, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase
Бібліографічний опис
Карпенко В. П., Шутко С. С. Ферментативна активність рослин соризу за використання гербіциду і регулятора росту рослин. Вісник Уманського національного університету садівництва. Умань. 2018. №2. С. 68–73.