The issue of determining of the geodesic center of Ukraine in the context of evolution of centrographic research Кисельов, Юрій Олександрович Шемякін, Михайло Васильович Боровик, Петро Миколайович Кононенко, Сергій Іванович Мельник, Маргарита Валеріївна 2021-11-01T12:02:23Z 2021-11-01T12:02:23Z 2021-07
dc.description.abstract Aim. The aim of the proposed research is to substantiate the scientific and practical significance of calculating centers of territories of states and regions, to conduct a historical review of centrographic research in Ukraine and in the world in the context of evolution of their methodology, to establish geodetic coordinates of the set of points lying on the line of the land state border and coastlines along the seas, and determine the center of dead weight of the territory of Ukraine as the center of gravity of the broken polygon formed by state territory contours (geodesic center of Ukraine). Methods. In calculating the geodesic center of Ukraine, the authors used a method (in their own interpretation) of determining the center of gravity of the territory, proposed by Jean-Georges Affholder and tested by him in establishing the center of Europe. Results. The history of centrographic research is more than 250 years old, but only in the last half century they have acquired a proper scientific character, becoming a solid geodesic base. The main milestones in the formation of the centrographic dimension in context of determining the centers of a number of leading world countries and the evolution of research methods are presented. It is established that it is necessary to distinguish the geometric, geographical and geodesic centers of territories, which differ in method of definition and level of accuracy stipulated by calculations requirements. Each of the recognized centers of the territory of Ukraine has its own significance and justification. Scientific novelty. A historical review of the centers of territories definition in the world and in Ukraine has been made. A method for calculating the center of territory gravity of Ukraine as the center of a broken landfill formed by its contours, including the land state border and coastline, is proposed. The concept of "geodesic center" has been introduced to denote the center of territory gravity, which describes a polygonal, including irregular, figure. The location and exact coordinates of the geodesic center of Ukraine, located in the Novoukrayinsky district of Kirovohrad region, have been established. Practical importance. Specifying the location of territories centers is important in terms of optimizing location of manufacturing facilities and infrastructure, as well as potential tourism facilities. The methods used in calculating territories centers of Ukraine can be used not only in conducting similar studies for administrative regions, but also in newly created districts, united territorial communities, etc. uk_UA
dc.identifier.citation Kyselov Iu.O., Shemiakin M.V., Borovyk P.M., Kononenko S.I., Melnyk M.V. The issue of determining of the geodesic center of Ukraine in the context of evolution of centrographic research. Geodesy, cartography and aerial photography, vol. 93. 2021. P. 42-47. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en_US uk_UA
dc.publisher Львівська політехніка uk_UA
dc.subject centrographic research uk_UA
dc.subject geographical center uk_UA
dc.subject geodesic coordinates uk_UA
dc.subject gravity center of territory uk_UA
dc.subject gravity center of broken polygon uk_UA
dc.subject geodesic center of Ukraine uk_UA
dc.title The issue of determining of the geodesic center of Ukraine in the context of evolution of centrographic research uk_UA
dc.type Стаття uk_UA
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