Вплив комплексних хелатних добрив на функціональну активність тканин коренів і зернову продуктивність рослин пшениці м’якої озимої

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Карпенко, Віктор Петрович
Богдан, Михайло Михайлович
Гуляєва, Г.Б.
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The article is devoted investigations the effects o f foliar treatment complex fertilizers with chelates оп functional activity in tissues of roots in connection with redox potential of cells and kinetics of release of protons from the root cells, as well as enzymatic activity: catalase, peroxidase, ATPase in tissues of roots and grain productivity of plant winter wheat varieties Smuglanka. Study shows that non-leaf feeding complex fertilizers chelates Fiziozhivlin+P, Breksil Mix, Master 18.18.18 and Plantafol 5.15.45 regulates the metabolism of a plant, including affecting the functional capacity of the tissues of roots, as reflected in the increasing activity o f redox potential of cells and inhibition o f the kinetics o f release of protons from the root cells. Increasing the ATPase activity of the root tissues indicates a growing share and maintaining active biosynthetic and regulatory of processes under the influence of chelated fertilizers, in particular, of biosynthesis of organic molecules, that associated with increased the biomass o f wheat plants according from the data obtained. Determination o f the activity of the antioxidant ferments: catalase and peroxidase showed increased activity of catalase (LH.L6) under foliar fertilizer processing Fiziozhivlin+P and o f peroxidase (LU.L7) on 32 % in contrast o f the control roots plants. Our studies have shown increase in grain productivity with by foliar treatment of chelate complex fertilizers: Fiziozhivlin+P, Breksil Mix, Master and Plantafol that increased by 5,9; 6,4; 6,0 and 5,1 t/ha, respectively. Thus, treatment of complex chelate fertilizer improves the functional activity of the tissues o f roots, promoting the growth of their potential absorption capacity, supporting high plant energy balance of the body, promotes the resistance of wheat to the effects o f pathogenic factors and eventually leads to an increase of grain productivity.
Ключові слова
winter wheat soft, complex chelate fertilizer, antioxidant activity, the functional activity o f the tissues of roots, grain productivity
Бібліографічний опис
Вплив комплексних хелатних добрив на функціональну активність тканин коренів і зернову продуктивність рослин пшениці м’якої озимої / богдан М.М., Карпенко В.П., Гуляєва Г.Б. // Вісник Уманського НУС. – 2015. –№1. – С. 36-41