Binary sowings as a basis for the intensification of fodder production industry

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Demydas, H.
Poltoretskyi, S.
Burko, L.
Veiler, S.
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Збірник наукових праць Уманського НУС
In the article analytical literature review of Ukrainian and world best practices on common vetch growing in binary sowings was conducted. Scientific publications of domestic and foreign scientists on the significance of binary crops in fodder production, selection of crops for joint cultivation were analyzed. The generalization and systematization of the studied material was carried out. Purpose of the research was to conduct an analytical literature review of Ukrainian and world best practices on common vetch growing in binary crops. General scientific methods, in particular, the following: hypothesis, observation, analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and generalization were used during the research. Own observations and literature sources from the chosen field of research were the uased in the material. Scientific publications of domestic and foreign scientists on the significancy of binary crops in fodder production, selection of crops for joint growing were analyzed to achieve this purpose. Generalization and systematization of the studied in tha research material was carried out. Conclusions. It was found that common vetch is mainly cultivated in mixtures with spring cereals. This crop can be grown for both spring and summer sowing in topping and post-harvest sowings with oats, barley, Sudan grass and other spring cereal crops; for hay and seeds — in arid conditions with a continental climate. However, seed yields in such regions are very low and vary considerably depending on the amount and distribution of spring rains. Providing of livestock production with high-quality fodders due to legume-and-cereal mixtures of annual crops makes it possible to expand the range of fodders in the diets of ruminants in the stall period
Ключові слова
Vicia sativa, binary sowings, yield, green mass, nutritional value, triticale, fodder units, joint sowings
Бібліографічний опис
Demydas H. І., Poltoretskyi S. P., Burko L. М., Veiler S. S. Binary sowings as a basis for the intensification of fodder production industry. Зб. наук. пр. Уманського НУС. Умань, 2020. Вип. 97. Ч. 1: Агрономія. С. 16–22. Doi: 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-16-22