Немає доступних мініатюр
Тимчук Світлана Володимирівна
Inna Povorozniuk
Olha Dzhoha
Liudmyla Neshchadym
Iryna Kyryliuk
Svitlana Tymchuk
Anastasiia Blahopoluchna
Назва журналу
ISSN журналу
Назва тома
Academy of Agriculture at Vytautas Magnus University
The article analyzes the state of the hospitality industry in Ukraine and determines the influence of globalization processeson the development of the restaurant business. It is proven that the globalization of the restaurant sector is manifested in:the possibility for restaurant establishments to obtain ingredients for foods and drinks from any corner of the world; opportunities for chefs from different countries to cooperate in order to exchange experience and develop new dishes and drinks; internationalization of food products; dissemination and implementation of production technologies of restaurant establishments both in Ukraine and abroad; development and improvement of the equipment of restaurant establishments; capital investments of domestic and foreign investors in the development of food enterprises; opportunities to pay for raw materials, goods, finished products and services using international currency transactions; availability of information about the menus and services of restaurant industry, that are located in different parts of the world; migration of workers in the restaurant industry thanks to visa-free movement in order to improve their qualification level; execution of production processes and provision of catering services in accordance with international standards.It is noted that the development of hotels and restaurants depends on the stability of the political system in the country. The absence of political crises contributes to the increase in the number of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant industry, the inflow of investments, and the growth of production volumes. Aggravation of the situation leads to opposite processes.
Based on the analysis of the state of the hospitality industry in Ukraine, it was established that the modern conditions of war are delaying the development of the hospitality industry. It was found that the hotel and restaurant business of Ukraine is sensitive to the influence of globalization social, financial, economic, political and production-technological factors, which depend on the competitiveness of enterprises providing services to tourists. It was noted that Ukraine's course towards European trends makes adjustments to the development of the hospitality industry in the country, taking into account the globalization processes taking place in the world. The directions for the development of the hospitality industry have been determined, taking into account European trends: boostingthe qualifications of personnel; ensuring compliance of services with international standards; introduction of regional cuisines into the diet of foreign tourists; increasing the number of hotel and restaurant complexes and rebuilding those damaged during war, taking transport corridors into account; ensuring the participation of hospitality industry enterprises in events held at the regional, stateand international levels; implementation of innovative technologies in the organization, operation, management of establishments, production and in service of visitors. All these tasks can be realized if appropriate changes are made in the state regulation of the activityof hotel and restaurant establishments. Ukraine is moving towards the European level of comfort and business functioning, sothe speed of movement in this direction depends on each participant in this process.
Ключові слова
Бібліографічний опис
Povorozniuk I., Dzhoha O., Neshchadym L., Kyryliuk I., Tymchuk S., Blahopoluchna A. THE INFLUENCE OF GLOBALIZATION PROCESSES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE RESTAURANT BUSINESS OF UKRAINE. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development. 46. 2023. Р. 183-192