Ecological management and administrative-territorial structure: experience of practical application of the concept of noosphere ecosystems

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Sonko, Sergiy
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INTENSE Open Science Conference Online
The concept of noosphere ecosystems has been developed by the author since the late 1980s and is aimed at the practical solution of environmental problems at the local level by "inscribing" nature management into ecosystem dynamics. The essence of the concept is as follows. All countries, ethnic groups, communities are participants in one global process - noospherogenesis, the ascending logic of which logically and clearly unites them on the way to expanding the ecological niche of the entire population.
Тези участі у міжнародному проекті
Ключові слова
концепція, адміністративний, ноосфера, устрій, агроекосистеми
Бібліографічний опис
Socio-ecological resilience across Eurasia innovation for sustainability transition./ INTENSE Open Science Conference Online/Tartu, Estonia, 5-7 October 2021. Abstract Book. -