Influence of agrotechnical factors on the resistance of winter triticale plants to overwintering

Немає доступних мініатюр
Svystunova, I.
Poltoretskyi, S.
Khudolii, L.
Denisyuk, V.
Voitsekhivska, O.
Назва журналу
ISSN журналу
Назва тома
Belarus. Minsk. Modern scientific researches
The article presents the results of studying the main indicators of corn grain quality of three hybrids grown in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, and analyzes the relationship between them using correlation analysis. It is established that the nature of the grain affects its germination, and with increasing protein content in the grain increases its moisture content and decreases the starch content
Ключові слова
кукурудза, зерно, гібрид, якість, кореляція, зберігання
Бібліографічний опис
117. Svystunova I., Poltoretskyi S., Khudolii L., Denisyuk V., Voitsekhivska O. Influence of agrotechnical factors on the resistance of winter triticale plants to overwintering. Belarus. Minsk. Modern scientific researches, 2020. Issue 13. Part 3. P. 38–41. Doi: 10.30889/2523-4692.2020-13-03-050