Enzymatic activity of soil microbiota under different fertilizer systems
Enzymatic activity of soil microbiota under different fertilizer systems
Немає доступних мініатюр
Skivka, L. M.
Hudz, S. O.
Prysiazhniuk, O. I.
Svystunova, I. V.
Voitsekhivska, O. V.
Poltoretskyi, S. P.
Belava, V. N.
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EurAsian Journal of BioSciences
Soil enzymes are mostly synthesized by microorganisms and play an essential role in metabolism
since they are biological catalysts for the transformation of organic residues. The activity of enzymes
is affected by many factors, for instance, the number and activity of soil microbiota, the
physicochemical properties of soil, organic matter content, weather conditions during the growing
season, incorporation of organic residues into the soil, and the farming system. Among the various
groups of soil enzymes, catalase and proteases deserve special attention. Catalase activity
associated with the content of organic carbon in the soil is used as an indicator of soil fertility. Soil
proteases play a significant role in nitrogen mineralization. The goal of our study was to compare soil
enzyme activity in short crop rotation under different fertilizer systems. Methods. Soil catalase activity
was determined by gasometrical method. Soil protease activity was determined by the Romeiko
method. Results. |Soil protease activity increased from the beginning to the end of vegetation, with
the maximum catalase activity being observed approximately in the middle of the growing season of
the studied crops. Protease and catalase activities of rhizosphere soils were higher than those of the
bulk soil, probably due to higher activity of root-associated microbial communities. The highest
indicators of enzymatic activity were recorded under biological fertilizer system. Conclusion. The
biological system of crops fertilization of a short crop rotation ensures optimal conditions for the
course of enzymatic processes, which, obviously, is a consequence of the activation of soil microbial
Ключові слова
catalase, soil fertility,
fertilizer system
Бібліографічний опис
Skivka L. M., Hudz S. O., Prysiazhniuk O. I., Svystunova I. V., Voitsekhivska O. V., Poltoretskyi S. P., Belava V. N. Enzymatic activity of soil microbiota under different fertilizer systems. Eurasia J Biosci, 14. 2020: 6113–6118.