Study of technological and commercial indicators of oriental types of flatbread duding backing in a tandoor

Немає доступних мініатюр
Fedorov V.
Kepko O.
Kepko V.
Berezovskyi A.
Trus O.
Prokopenko E.
Zhurilo S.
Назва журналу
ISSN журналу
Назва тома
National eastern types of flatbread (lavash, Obi-non, Dambinon etc.) are baked both in mechanized and manually operated ovens for individual or mass use of finished products. Among the last type of ovens, the most widespread is the tandoor with an electric or gas source of heat supply. Two types of thermoelectric sensors were used to study the external and internal heat and mass exchange during baking of flatbread in Uzbek horizontal tandoor. These are the thermocouples for temperature measurement and primary converters of the heat flow density transmitted from the outside to the dough and into the middle of the product, as well as an electronic scale to determine the loss of mass. The thermometric monitoring of the baking of Obi-non flatbreads made it possible to show the technological and commercial advantages of the tandoor over baking in mechanized ovens, as well as to compare the dynamics of temperature changes in the center of the flatbread dough with the theoretical solution of the problem of thermal conductivity in the plate. The recommendations for the distribution of energy sources in mechanized ovens and the design of their hearthstone (bottom) have been developed.
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Бібліографічний опис
Fedorov V., Kepko O., Kepko V., Berezovskyi A., Trus O., Prokopenko E., Zhurilo S. Study of technological and commercial indicators of oriental types of flatbread duding backing in a tandoor. // Науковий вісник Таврійського державного агротехнологічного університету: електронне наукове фахове видання / ТДАТУ; гол. ред. д.т.н., проф. В.М. Кюрчев. – Мелітополь: ТДАТУ, 2023. – Вип. 13, том 2