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Зараз показується 1 - 5 з 296
  • Матеріал
    Features of Creating and Maintaining a Fruit Wall in Apple Orchard: Literature Review.
    (Scientific Horizons, 2021-12) Andrii CHAPLOUTSKYI ; Roman Butsyk ; Polunina, O.
    The establishment of rational terms and methods of mechanised pruning of apple trees on dwarf rootstocks determine the relevance of the subject under study. The purpose of this review is to highlight the current state and issues associated with tree pruning to improve the technology of growing and increasing the productivity of plantations yielding high-quality fruit with a rational period of mechanised pruning of apple trees on a dwarf rootstock. Proceeding from the analysed literature sources, this paper highlights the current state and development trends of horticulture. A gradual increase in apple production in Europe observed, but an important factor limiting the growth of fruit production is labour productivity accompanying the laborious processes of tree trimming and harvesting. The seasonal nature of work involving numerous skilled workers leads to a shortage of labour force in horticulture. With the increase in wages and the decrease in the number of workers in agricultural production, the introduction of elements of mechanised care for plantations, namely mechanised pruning of the crown, is gaining more significance. The solution to the problem is to improve modern technology of growing apple orchards, using mechanised pruning and the formation of fruit wall in particular. This will allow balancing the available number of employees involved in fruit cultivation and orchards area, and, if necessary, moving away from seasonal work. This paper investigates the specific features of the use and the influence of different periods of mechanised pruning, in particular in winter (0 BBCH), in the pink bud phase (59 BBCH), in early summer (74 BBCH), after harvesting (93 BBCH), and considers the mechanisms used for this purpose. The study proves the positive influence of this technology on improving setting illumination of the crown and the content of chlorophyll in the leaf, optimisation of growth processes with a considerable increase in the number of formed buds. The increase in yield and its marketable quality is accompanied by reducing the size of the fruit, the ripening time of which is somewhat delayed. However, the chemical composition and taste of the fruits are not inferior to the cultivation technology involving manual pruning. The practical significance of the obtained results is to improve the technology of growing apple trees using mechanised pruning and manual maintenance of the inter-tree space, which ensures a considerable reduction in the need for skilled manual labour and increases productivity
  • Матеріал
    (Аграрні інновації., 2024-10-31) ПОЛУНІНА О.В. ; ЧАПЛОУЦЬКИЙ А.М.
    Закладання насаджень яблуні двопровідниковими саджанцями на вегетативній підщепі є досить перспек-тивним методом інтенсифікації у сучасному садівництві. Важливим показником якості садивного матеріалу пло-дових культур і яблуні, зокрема, є параметри кореневої системи. Добре розвинена коренева система сприяє кращому приживленню саджанців після висаджування у сад.Метою досліджень буловизначення впливу спо-собу створення провідників і щільності розміщення у ряду на кореневу систему двопровідникових сад-жанців яблуні сорту ‘Флоріна’ на підщепі 54-118. Дослідження виконували в плодовому розсад-нику НВВ Уманського НУС протягом 2016–2018 рр. Створення двох провідників забезпечували окуліру-ванням: однією брунькою з наступним пінцируван-ням пагона за досягнення довжини 10 см (контроль); однією брунькою з наступним пінцируванням пагона за досягнення довжини 20 см; двома бруньками супротивно; двома бруньками почергово зі зміщен-ням їх одна відносно одної на 5 см на осі підщепи. Підщепу 54-118 у першому полі розсадника висад-жували за схемами: 1,5 х 0,33 м (щільність розмі-щення 6 шт./2 м), 1,5 х 0,45 м (5 шт./2 м), 1,5 х 0,55 м (4 шт./2 м), 1,5 х 0,65 м (3 шт./2 м).В однорічних двопровідникових саджанців яблуні на підщепі 54-118 відмічено формування розгалуже-ної кореневої системи з коренями чотирьох порядків. Сумарна довжина коренів досліджуваних саджанців знаходилась у межах 19,1–27,1 м. Встановлено, що створення провідників окуліруванням однією брунь-кою з наступним пінцируванням пагона та збільшення відстані між рослинами у ряду до 55 і 65 см сприяло істотному збільшенню сумарної довжини коренів на 16–23 %. Відмічено, що сумарна довжина кореневої системи обернено корелювала із показниками над-земної частини. Тому, за вирощування двопровіднико-вих саджанців необхідно досягти балансу між форму-ванням габітусу та кореневої системи з оптимальними параметрами.
  • Матеріал
    (Journal of Horticultural Research, 2024-10-31) Chaploutskyi А. ; Butsyk R. ; Chepurnyi V. ; Kucher I. ; Chetskyi B. ; Zabolotnyi O.
    The apple tree is one of the most widespread fruit crops in the world. As the area of plantings increases and horticulture transitions to intensive technologies, the demand for skilled workers increases. The introduction of mechanization processes can solve this problem at all stages of fruit production. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of contour pruning and its modification at different times on the growth of ‘Jonaweld’ apple trees grafted onto the dwarf rootstock M.9 T337. As a result of contour pruning, the trunk diameter increased by 61% and the number of shoots by 40%. Contour pruning with manual refinement produced intermediate results between manual and contour pruning. Furthermore, contour pruning produced the shortest shoots, only 22 cm, compared to 29 cm with manual pruning. There was also a general tendency to limit the growth activity of trees due to postponing pruning. The growth of trunk diameter slowed by 25%, the number of shoots decreased by 8%, and their length decreased by 20%. Specific productivity was highest when contouring with postharvest refinement and pruning.
  • Матеріал
    Формування і обрізування горіхоплідних культур
    (УМАНСЬКИЙ НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ УНІВЕРСИТЕТ САДІВНИЦТВА. Кафедра плодівництва і виноградарства, 2024-04-05) Яковенко Р.В. ; Чаплоуцький А.М. ; Головатий П.А. ; Чецький Б.О. ; Кучер І.О. ; Трушев І.М.
  • Матеріал
    Dimensions of crowns and their level of productivity of apple trees of the Jonaweld variety depending on the method and term of crown pruning
    (Collected Works of Uman National University of Horticulture, 2024-07-11) Chaploutskyi, A. ; Butsyk, R. ; Polunina, O.
    In this experiment, different methods and terms of crown pruning of Jonaveld apple trees and their influence on the change in crown habitus were investigated. The experiments were conducted at the educational and production department of the Uman National University of Horticulture in the city of Uman, Cherkasy region, for three years from 2014 to 2016. The studied trees were grown on the rootstock M.9 T337 and were formed with a spindle-shaped crown. They were planted according to the 4x1 m scheme in 1995. The experimental plot is represented by podzolized black soil. The research scheme included the study of the effect of three pruning methods: the traditional method of manual pruning, the contour method of forming a fruit wall of the crown 80 cm wide in the lower part and 50 cm wide in the upper part from the row spacing with annual contour pruning of growths on the periphery of the crown and the contour method with manual modification, which consisted in removing fattening shoots, too thick branches and hanging branches in the stem zone. Crown pruning was performed at five different times: in winter (during winter dormancy), during the pink bud phase, during flowering, in early summer (with 10 leaves on the growth), and after harvest. In the orchard plantations with the formation of trees by the type of slender spindle by hand, a more spreading crown was formed, which significantly exceeded the other variants of the study in terms of its diameter. A significant impact on the change in the values of the indicator was caused by the factor "method of pruning" ‒ with the predominance of manual pruning. Also, the influence of postponing the term of pruning to a later date, regardless of the method of pruning the crown, on reducing the value of their diameter was revealed. As a result of contour pruning, in particular contour pruning with manual refinement, a decrease in crown volume was observed. The introduction of contour pruning with manual refinement contributed to the formation of 25 % less crown volume. Regardless of the method of tree pruning, a clear tendency to reduce crown volume with the delay of pruning was revealed. The level of specific productivity per crown volume as a result of manual pruning of the studied trees was 14 % lower than the contour pruning method and 30% lower than the contour pruning method with manual refinement. The gradual increase in the level of specific productivity per crown volume was facilitated by the delay in the cutting period.